Facebook outing providers?

Hey girls you may want to give this a read.
With the way metadata is tracked and used for people you may know, ads, etc. If she accessed both accounts on the same device (eg iphone, ipad, tablet, android phone, computer) the information is going to be shared between the two. Lets assume she is high end and has a separate website, if she accessed that website from the same device she accesses facebook then it would put the two together also.

Unless you have separate devices that stay completely separate it's almost impossible for the algorithms not to connect the two in some fashion. Welcome to the modern age.
I'm under the working assumption it's something different. I think somehow a couple of her clients found out her real name (let's be honest, guys - this does happen on occasion regardless of how hard the gal tries to keep it a secret). They do a fb search on her real name and bingo - fb now assumes they know each other and there you have it: some new undesired "people you may know" showing up on your screen
I have had providers that I contacted randomly show up on Facebook friend suggestions over the years, I don’t care how it happened but it happened. I could only assume if it happened in my feed it’s most likely happening in theirs. I immediately changed all my privacy settings.
August Black's Avatar
Don't attach your phone number to your Facebook profile. I've had a few providers show up as people you may know and it's because I have their phone number saved and Facebook checks your contacts. No idea why some of these chicks use their RW contact info but in my experience that's been the result.
It's all intra-data collection. All the apps, browsers, etc. collect that stuff. If you've ever googled a providers phone number and its connected to their facebook in some way (even if its hidden and not searchable) it will connect the two. That's how google, facebook, etc. make boat loads of cash.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
I don't have my phone number linked to FB and I don't have the FB app either. I've never seen a client show up under people I may know. Not yet anyway...
Justin Herpantz's Avatar
If your phone is linked to your FB page all anyone needs to do is search your number and you show up. And guess what, once they have searched you there's a god chance they will in the near future show up as a potential friend. SO WHEN HOBBYING, USE A F'n BURNER PHONE!