Outsourced Incomeable Iniquities

Due to my current ' gutter ' ' ghetto ' ass showing nose picking dick sucking HEART BEATING eyes and soul bawling PHONELESS... friendless.. Childless ( evidently ) USED UP DRIED OUT DEVESTATED SITUATION..

i AM inclined ( while being ramped OUT ) to be, ONCE AGAIN, the inspiration for BULLYING, MIND SCREWING, and deviant GAME that the original Road King once described as a competition between them all.

It is of EXTREME offence to me that the dishonest PALADIUM swap meeters here can't seem to find their own way to make money.. or SPEND IT USEFULLY.. as opposed to debilitatingleigh.... and have, instead, opted to follow the ALIEN OUT PLANETARY LEADER straight into an explosion that will make 911 and 811 look like 1110110110101110000 with a few ~ 's hidden in the background in the BASIC PROGRAM ' piece work ' some TERRORIST GO GETTER working to impress that CHARISMATIC CHEMIST AND CHARADIST ..............has managed, effortlessly, to circumvent.

and why you may think but never ask ?

all because the part of their psyche OR , even better, soul.. ( shoe apparetnly ) .. was tapped into and welded with a dremel the size of a sewing needle. Its like 'he's been beamed up to nuclear waste feeding off his energy and seeing that he continually progresses in his mission to please and appease a ' MOCK TERRORIST ' KEY man in what YOU IDIOTS ( grouping and classification not intended to offend ) believe is truly an UNDER CONTROL SITUATION but is TRULY rather a FRONT for an ACTUAL SECOND ATTEMPT TO BLOW THIS WHOLE WORLD UP.

Assholes and Blue Teeth and Bitches and Dicks all dressing in abercrombie and fitch or Cowboy pretend wear are more worried about going to jail or losing their pick up sticks than they are helping someone who has been GARAGED AND CAGED AND CONCERNTRATION CAMP STYLE HOBBIED IN A HANGAR BARELY LARGE ENOUGH TO PARK A REMOTE CONTROL PLANE.

And because I have ZERO RECOURSE AGAINST THE ..not imune... not invent soluable suckers I'm forced to tolerate and beg for assistance... and FUCK MYSELF UP just to get a buck.. AND HUMILIATE THE REAL PEOPLE WHO USED TO GIVE A FUCK... I'm spewing on you. MY RESUME is a FINE PLACE TO START IF YOU KEYSTONERS ACTING LIKE YOUR TRYING TO HELP REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHERE THE CIRCLED EYES PROBLEMS BEGIN TO AMOUNT TO DEVESTATION AND DESPAIR... rather than pretending to give a fuck.. and coming in for a quick cheap suck and mind spin to set off another segment of POST TIME.. PLACE YOUR BETS... and TAKE THE WHEEL LUCILLE... because the prime rib ain't a rolled roast NOW.. nor will it EVER BE AGAIN... game of EVERYONE FUCKIN LOSES AND I DIE FOR REAL.


Clearly... everyone has lost ALL sight of what clearly matters here... and whether you are A B or A B C or you never even went to KINDERCARE OR GARDEN AT ALL... really shouldn't matter .. because if you have the capacity and the funds to be able to sit around and study me.. then you should have the connected apparatus on board to COMPREHEND that I'm NOT WHAT YOU THOUGHT.. and that, in turn, should translate to compassion and empathy... beyond all else.

Hence.. and in short.. anyone left here who hasn't decided their families or a real UN NETTED LIFE.. outside of this scope isn't worth the SACRIFICE AND SUCH that you all have become as addictted to as I am in pain from... MIGHT WANT TO THINK ABOUT DOING SOMETHING. We don't need no FALL GUYS OR HEROES HERE.. who stick around carrying crosses so they can be on a momoriole outside my tombstone one day... BECAUSE.. fall guys usually have to go UNDER GROUND.. and in case you haven't been walking in a field of gold near your place of dwell.. lateley... the underground appears to be in as much peril or potentially pre concieving the picture of THE WORST EVER DISASTER this ' CUNTREE ' has ever or will ever see.

n a nutshell.... THAT MEANS IF YOU WANT TO SEE NEXT WEEK... ... you might want to grow up, help out, find your heart and connect it to your ass.. or JUST FUCKING SHOOT YOURSELF.

thanks, IN HOPEFUL ADVANCE .. for ... WHAT SURELY AND PRAYERFULLY ; LABOROUSLY AND TERMINALLY helping JAYNE live another day... and please you in the very MOST entertaining and inspirational FUN MF WAY ever.


I prefer smiles, pretty days, happy men, giggling healthy children, clean abodes, NOT HURTING PEOPLE... NOT WRONGLY SPEWING AT ANYONE.. AND BEING HELD TIGHT AS IN SNUGGLE SPOON STYLED SLEEPING AT NIGHT.

oh yea.. AND GOOD FREAKING PRIVATE ENCOUNTERED SEX. AND ... MAKING LOVE TO A ONE WOMAN MAN in a totally different STATE. .. ( I assume ANYWAY... as I've never gotten that far as of yet ) and staying as far away from life stealing , job replacing, con artist, past friends from another life gold digging friend 'FILLED' life... AND , of course.. barbie dolls and decoy stalls in , around and from studio ..uhhh.,.. one ,,, THE pal less palace and the place heyho leigh of texas scapegoat girl will never be.

Where's the moat around it.. or is that what I'm smelling now ? only one man. a gazillion boys. a few good women and thus far.. NOT ONE SINGLE LADY OR KING in anyone's sight. I can see toooo.

why, oh why do I open these threads? oh yea-cuz I forget about the OPs history until it's too late. anybody care to decipher THIS one? sheesh
LucadeJure's Avatar
Is this a coded message and I'm not privy to the code key? It also occurs to me that medication should be prescribed.
why, oh why do I open these threads? oh yea-cuz I forget about the OPs history until it's too late. anybody care to decipher THIS one? sheesh Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
hey asshole... put on your boxers and go fuck your wife on the back porch. you are EXACTLY what trash and Restricted topic Bubba3452 idiocrazy basura I'm referenc SING.

you are a mossy photo stealing little thing too.

good luck to you Y entrapment ding all lingua sting.
Is this a coded message and I'm not privy to the code key? It also occurs to me that medication should be prescribed. Originally Posted by LucadeJure

it has been... and they administered it to you in your fucking water. Can't you tell you are NOT AT ALL THE SAME ?

get help or ...

oh nevermind. your not invincible.. and I'M CERTAINLY MORE SANE THAN YOU HAVE OR EVER WILL BE.

IVY LEAGUE DRINK SOME 101 ICE ( its a over the rule of a hundred in case you can't swallow ...YOU LITTLE TERRORIST RUDE AMONG YOU THING.
Guest091314's Avatar
I am just trying to figure out what the post was suppose to mean, not jumping on you.

Maybe something happened and it set you off?

read, re-read, read out loud then post
Wow......not sure what to say, not trying to be sarcastic, but what's going on Jayne?
Jayne has a very different posting style for sure. You just have to think a bit differently about how she says things . I think I understand most of what she said. I would also guess she is a bit short right now but does not want to be preceived as a begger. She is ready to earn what she needs.

Clearly, her posting style draws attention. Lets not pile on too much. She is what she is.

Or, I could just be full of crap . Best of luck to you Jayne
Dittychaser's Avatar
I admittedly don't understand much of what Jayne is usually trying to say. But somehow I think I understand this one.

She's down on her luck, needs help, and has no else to turn to. She wants you to call her at the temporary number shown in her signature line.

This is her creative way of asking for help.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Jayne has a very different posting style for sure. You just have to think a bit differently about how she says things . I think I understand most of what she said. I would also guess she is a bit short right now but does not want to be preceived as a begger. She is ready to earn what she needs. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Sooooo... it's an ad?
A mix of political comentary and part ad, prehaps. Shes also looking for a new place for incall so she does not have to put up with all the BS that sometimes comes with trying to maintain an incall for her hobby needs.
TheDuck's Avatar
wow Bubba...you are like the "Jayne whisperer"!! Impressive! Very few speak "Jayne" these days!
hey asshole... put on your boxers and go fuck your wife on the back porch. you are EXACTLY what trash and drug dealing idiocrazy basura I'm referenc SING.

you are a mossy photo stealing little thing too.

good luck to you Y entrapment ding all lingua sting. Originally Posted by _Jayne_
I have been downgraded from a bitch to an asshole. Thanks-I'm honored! But does that mean I'm loosing my touch? Dang!

But before you piss in the wind sister, do your homework. I don't have a wife-I'm a chick. And a straight one at that-and I prefer thongs over boxers. Might I suggest before you post, you step away from the bottle or the forbidden topic - Chipper. Then you may just make sense for once in your life.
TrailBlazer's Avatar
Wow, ........ Just Wow! Lithium may not be enough!
TexTushHog's Avatar
A mix of political comentary and part ad, prehaps. Shes also looking for a new place for incall so she does not have to put up with all the BS that sometimes comes with trying to maintain an incall for her hobby needs. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Damn, I'm impressed. Of course he could have said it was instructions on how to build a time machine and I couldn't argue with either interpretation. But it was said with such an air of certainty and plausibility that it added a air of "verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative."