I have a screening process in place, but it seems that alot of guys dont want to give up the info. if you girls dont mind helping another provider out, what are some screening processes you have. any sugestions would be greatly apretiated.
pyramider's Avatar
You would be better served to ask this in the Powder Room.
Simple hooker lesson #101:

The "men" who complain about your rates or difficulty in screening, are NOT representative of the hobby as a whole.
Did you know there are a TON of men who will NOT see a lady under $500? If she's cheaper, they assume something is wrong with her.

The good guys like that you screen them. It makes them feel safe. The only people who don't want to be screened are the fucktards who are trying to pull something on you. That's a promise .

Not all ladies have access to the powder room, since it now requires our blood type and a promise to donate our boobs or asses if we die, along with organ donations.

I'm kidding, before half of you fucktards go asking Becky if she actually requires a kidney sample before allowing access to the powder room. Some of you are humorless enough to believe it, so I am torn as to whether to be funny or not. I will pass for now.
Simple hooker lesson #101:

The "men" who complain about your rates or difficulty in screening, are NOT representative of the hobby as a whole.
Did you know there are a TON of men who will NOT see a lady under $500? If she's cheaper, they assume something is wrong with her.

The good guys like that you screen them. It makes them feel safe. The only people who don't want to be screened are the fucktards who are trying to pull something on you. That's a promise . Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie
This should be a sticky for all the SHIT-FOR-BRAINS whining about GPS.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-30-2012, 07:32 PM
Simple hooker lesson #101:

The "men" who complain about your rates or difficulty in screening, are NOT representative of the hobby as a whole.
Did you know there are a TON of men who will NOT see a lady under $500? If she's cheaper, they assume something is wrong with her.

The good guys like that you screen them. It makes them feel safe. The only people who don't want to be screened are the fucktards who are trying to pull something on you. That's a promise .

Not all ladies have access to the powder room, since it now requires our blood type and a promise to donate our boobs or asses if we die, along with organ donations.

I'm kidding, before half of you fucktards go asking Becky if she actually requires a kidney sample before allowing access to the powder room. Some of you are humorless enough to believe it, so I am torn as to whether to be funny or not. I will pass for now. Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie
I disagree, Why would us men want to give up personal information to visit a provider? If my eccie reputation is not good enough to visit a provider, I/Most Men move on. that simple!
This should be a sticky for all the SHIT-FOR-BRAINS whining about GPS. Originally Posted by Prolongus
You are my favorite white knight.

Fuck eccie reputation, posting and review count don't mean shit.

And I agree with the OP, most of you women don't screen and/or don't give out references.
Read what I require in my Signature line... if you have any more questions feel free to call me... I have a whole hell of alot of suggestions.

But, no... if they don't have references.... and dont wanna give up the info to make you feel safe enough to see them... THEN DONT. Are they gonna do your jail time for you when you get busted? Nope.

Are they gonna sit in the hospital when you get hurt or worse. NO.

Simple, either have references and check them out. P411 is a plus but granted not all gent's want to get that deep into this for personal reasons. To each their own.

But, regardless..... Screening is KEY and required.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 08-30-2012, 08:28 PM
I have a screening process in place, but it seems that alot of guys dont want to give up the info. if you girls dont mind helping another provider out, what are some screening processes you have. any sugestions would be greatly apretiated. Originally Posted by missblue
What info are you requiring for screening? Anything which may be required on a job application?
pyramider's Avatar
I thought Amber Rain retired.
NOpe... i didn't..
cute cat.. lol.

I'm back
and seriously if you need to call me.. missblue... feel free.

I'm always open for discussions about safety for all of us.
  • Caleb
  • 08-31-2012, 01:14 AM
Simple hooker lesson #101:

The "men" who complain about your rates or difficulty in screening, are NOT representative of the hobby as a whole.
Did you know there are a TON of men who will NOT see a lady under $500? If she's cheaper, they assume something is wrong with her. That's too bad for them, they are missing some truly great experiences.

The good guys like that you screen them. It makes them feel safe. The only people who don't want to be screened are the fucktards who are trying to pull something on you. That's a promise .
As a newbie, I didn't want to be screened. Wasn't trying to pull anything, just protective of personal information. P411 was the perfect solution. Since I got P411, I have only seen one lady who accepted my request before she looked at my P411 profile, only because she came highly recommended from a very trustworthy source. Screening keeps the gents safe too.

Not all ladies have access to the powder room, since it now requires our blood type and a promise to donate our boobs or asses if we die, along with organ donations.
Best newbie screening request I received was either a kidney or P411+3. Graciously, she offered to let me choose whether it would be the right or left.

I'm kidding, before half of you fucktards go asking Becky if she actually requires a kidney sample before allowing access to the powder room. Some of you are humorless enough to believe it, so I am torn as to whether to be funny or not. I will pass for now. Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie
It took a while for me to truly appreciate the screening process. But after reading a bazillion alerts that could have been avoided by a little due diligence from either the hooktards or the fucktards, I have come to value the importance of doing your homework. For a hobby that is supposed to be about fun and pleasure, there seems to be a never-ending supply of bullshit out there. Too bad we can't all just fuck and be happy. Play safe, and do your homework! Unfortunately, not all money is green and not all pussy is golden.
I disagree, Why would us men want to give up personal information to visit a provider? If my eccie reputation is not good enough to visit a provider, I/Most Men move on. that simple! Originally Posted by biglatinmale
Since you quoted me:

Did I say anything about asking for personal info, unless you consider giving up a few references as "über top secret information"?? I missed the part where I said that.

If you have nothing to hide, screening is of no worry to you.

And screening based on your "ECCIE reputation" is about the most ridiculous thing I have heard. Ladies, DEFINITELY do not take that advice, and happily let these types go their merry way LOL!! That's like the guys who go around saying "I'm a lifetime P411 member and premium access on FOUR hooker boards! So I'm a safe guy!" ....because bad guys obviously can't pay by credit/debit card. I'm sure if Ted Bundy wanted to collect a few Okays, he could have. I'm fairly certain he would have had a very charming ECCIE personality, too. Ijs.

Screening based on ECCIE rep and reviews. Funny stuff!

Did you know there are a TON of men who will NOT see a lady under $500? If she's cheaper, they assume something is wrong with her. That's too bad for them, they are missing some truly great experiences
Caleb, I must admit, this happens mostly outside of Texas/Dallas. Y'all are spoiled rotten!
pyramider's Avatar
If my eccie reputation is not good enough to visit a provider ...! Originally Posted by biglatinmale

Seeing a fucktard based on his icky reputation is a hoot. Damn I missed that one last night and I really needed a good laugh.
I am probably going to buck some of the comments here big time, but so be it.

MissBlue, you have a screening process. You are comfortable with your screening process. When you deviate from that process, you are going to be uncomfortable with the session. So, the chances of a bad session go up, even if none of your fears materialize. Stick with what makes you comfortable. At the same time, discuss with the ladies their screening processes, make sure your process is keeping you safe.

For the rest of the comments. I don't like to give out screening information. I am not going to give you my employer, not going to give you my real name, not going to give you my first born. (hmm,can I get a guarantee you will not give her back? Maybe I will go that route.) I tend to fly on my reputation here and previously on ASPD.

I have given out references a few times, but pretty rare. Caitie Mae got references out of me, couple of others. I play so rarely now, and many of my sessions are with massage therapist who are not active here, so references are hard to come by.

By the time I decide I want to see you, I have already screened you pretty carefully, so I am not that worried about you. I understand you need to be comfortable with me. If my reputation is insufficient, I understand. I ask if you will see me. You say yes or no. If no, I thank you and I move on down the road. No pressure from my end. I am not going to post bad comments about you. I am not going to post a fake NCNS review about you. I am going to take my toys and my $$$ and move on down the road.

There are plenty of ladies who will see me. There are plenty of guys who will provide the sceening information to make the lady happy. The market is there on both the supply & demand ends of the equation.

Do I miss out on seeing some really great ladies? Sure, but it has been few and far between that I have missed out on.

Do the ladies miss out on seeing me, a great guy? While I would like to think so, I am just another overweight, gray haired, what little I have, old fart with a little bit of cash to spend on playing with the ladies. I am in the dime a dozen category, so their only loss may be a little income, and I am sure there are plenty of guys to fill the void I created.

In the end, this is a supply and demand curve. Sex is the commodity. From the seller's end, illusions of passion and the little things are what differentiates the product. The price is not only the dollars exchanged, but it involves the other things: I am not willing to provide certain pieces of information to be screened. The price is to steep for me in those areas.

Similarly, I like things like BBBJ and stripper slides. For some ladies, these are not acceptable. Their choice.

Each side of the market equation must decide where they wish to play: Price, activities, screening, etc. When the two match, voila, we have a potential for a session to occur.

LADIES: You decide your screening level and stick to it.

GUYS: You decide the amount of information you will part with, and stick to it.

Now, a frank discussion on different screening methods is worthwhile, but in a public forum like this, discussing your screening methods only allows the dangerous elements and LE to conjure up methods to get around them.
Duke of G's Avatar
"ECCIE reputation" has nothing to do with post or review count. Someone who looks at your post history, and reads what you say and how you say it, can probably make a judgement about you. Even if it's "behind the keyboard of anonymity," how you behave here, matters to some people.

People that are trolls or closed-minded may not be the best client fit for you.

It's not a one-shot screening tool, but screening out people you may not want to see, based on how they post is absolutely valid. This is true for both sides. How a provider acts in her posts will turn some guys off, no matter her looks or prices. Some guys who post a certain way have to hide their ECCIE handle when making appointments, because some ladies don't want to see someone that acts that way in public. "Reputation" is a lot more complex than just "I have 50 reviews and 45 OKs on P411."