Changing review contact info

I know a provider who is not an ECCIE member, but has a review up.

She would like to change the contact information (telephone) in that review.

What should I tell her?
As a member, you can post a reply to the review making mention of the number she prefers to be used as her contact information.

Has the review been idle more than 30 days? Which provider are we talking about?
I can't give the provider name in an open forum because the existing number is tied to her real name.
This is also why the existing number needs to be removed or replaced.
The review is over 30 days old.
No advice, eh? I'll suggest that she email you at
No advice, eh? I'll suggest that she email you at Originally Posted by Handy Dandy
Just PM the mod and he can fix the problem privately.
An email or a PM works.