Netflix - Making A Murderer - A must see!

Eight days later, I am still pissed off and obsessed with this thriller coming from Wisconsin. Ugly injustice is EVERYWHERE...

Wanted to see if any of you have had the opportunity to check it out and what are your thoughts! It's mind fuc*ing!! I hope they make a movie out of it!
I really want to see that. The corruption and plain stupidity just mortifies me. None of the agencies on a local or higher level know what each other are doing and if they do... it's because they are usually up to no good.

I have a friend in prison, who really is innocent. 20 years no parole for a non violent crime. His appeal is coming up and praying to God for his release this year. 20 years. No parole. No solid evidence. Only testimony from witnesses they scared.

Since then over 30 something LE have been terminated or investigated for serious misconduct and corruption. It's been in the papers and all over the news where I'm from.

The small towns are bad. But it seems corruption is everywhere. I've seen it on many levels. Don't even get me started on family law.

Have you seen the Kurt Kobain documentary, Soaked in Bleach? That one will really piss ya off too.
I really want to see that. The corruption and plain stupidity just mortifies me. None of the agencies on a local or higher level know what each other are doing and if they do... it's because they are usually up to no good.

I have a friend in prison, who really is innocent. 20 years no parole for a non violent crime. His appeal is coming up and praying to God for his release this year. 20 years. No parole. No solid evidence. Only testimony from witnesses they scared.

Since then over 30 something LE have been terminated or investigated for serious misconduct and corruption. It's been in the papers and all over the news where I'm from.

The small towns are bad. But it seems corruption is everywhere. I've seen it on many levels. Don't even get me started on family law.

Have you seen the Kurt Kobain documentary, Soaked in Bleach? That one will really piss ya off too. Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi
So sorry for your friend, that is bullshit but glad to know that the corrupted have gotten what they deserved, a good ass firing. Where there are good people, there are bad people, I really hate bad people ugh. You can't catch a break and not have one without the other.

I have yet to see the Kurt Cobain documentary... will put it on my list.
Do bear in mind that many involved in the case on Netflix say that important pieces of evidence are being left out of the story.
xXxoRRoxXx's Avatar
Its great!!! I love it ....only into a couple episodes... mind blowing truly.
Omg I've seen it, was obsessed. Very sad story his life's screwed and was wasted before this last charge and they knew that it wasn't him. Sad, I think they fuck with him cause he's an easy target, not very smart, and his family doesn't fit in with the rest of the community. Looking forward to the second one
Do bear in mind that many involved in the case on Netflix say that important pieces of evidence are being left out of the story. Originally Posted by babarumraisin
EEEk, I am just hungry for the TRUTH to unravel. I realize things could go South in a heart beat, but if these guys are innocent, I am rooting for them to finally catch a damn break.
While not a movie - have you checked out rectify?

Its on Netflix and is very similar to this story.
pussycat's Avatar
I really want to see that. The corruption and plain stupidity just mortifies me. None of the agencies on a local or higher level know what each other are doing and if they do... it's because they are usually up to no good.

I have a friend in prison, who really is innocent. 20 years no parole for a non violent crime. His appeal is coming up and praying to God for his release this year. 20 years. No parole. No solid evidence. Only testimony from witnesses they scared.

Since then over 30 something LE have been terminated or investigated for serious misconduct and corruption. It's been in the papers and all over the news where I'm from.

The small towns are bad. But it seems corruption is everywhere. I've seen it on many levels. Don't even get me started on family law.

Have you seen the Kurt Kobain documentary, Soaked in Bleach? That one will really piss ya off too. Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi
This is why only a handful of defense lawyers are truly effective. If you get just any lawyer he will putz around and never defend you. But if you find a really good one he will turn over every stone and discredit the bad witnesses and you will get off. You will get off even if you're really guilty.

Sorry but that's the way the system works. It depends on the skill of those involved and the judges don't give a shit who is really guilty and who is innocent. The judges only care about who did the best job as a game. It's a game to them.
I know it is game. All of it, especially family disgusting, but I digress. Unfortunately, he didn't have good counsel.
Sounds like he now has a great lawyer from some big city like Chicago or New York or something they said that she's really good I guess we'll see
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Yeah, I meant to watch an episode or two and just binged watched it all the way through. Amazing story and infuriating.

It doesn't matter that "some evidence was left out" because it is absolutely clear that he didn't get a presumption of innocence and some really shady shit was going on. The real tragedy is that his 16 year old nephew was targeted (because he was Steven Avery's alibi witness) and convicted of a crime he pretty obviously did not commit by use of interview tactics guaranteed to produce false confessions when used on immature people of less than average intelligence and education with no representation or even parents present (but from what I read, police are pretty good at getting parents to unwittingly collude in convicting their often innocent kids). Whether Avery is innocent or guilty of the murder is not clear, but that there was malfeasance, a rush to convict and no search for or finding of the truth is pretty evident.

I too have seen quite a lot of this starting in the 80's with being accused of crimes I did not commit, told more than once that police "knew" I was guilty (despite no evidence) and that they would get me even without actual evidence (really scary) and being assaulted by cops and told if I didn't do as they said I would be the victim of more "crimes". I've also seen them assault, jail and beat kids for having had too much to drink and being in the wrong place at the wrong time (when friends tried to get them to a car and take them home). It is truly sad and I honestly don't think it has gotten any better over the intervening 30 years.