Another question for my smart IT guys

So my kid was on my phone and ever since he got on my phone whatever he got on I'll push buttons or try to spell and it will push and do things that I'm not even trying to do. Or I'll push stuff and it will freeze up and then all the sudden everything will go all at once. I deleted most of his game apps off my phone but its still not working I guess I didn't realize that Phone can get a virus as he says I'm not very hip on technology lol do any of you guys know how to fix this or what it could be?
Turn it off then back on.

So my kid was on my phone and ever since he got on my phone whatever he got on I'll push buttons or try to spell and it will push and do things that I'm not even trying to do. Or I'll push stuff and it will freeze up and then all the sudden everything will go all at once. I deleted most of his game apps off my phone but its still not working I guess I didn't realize that Phone can get a virus as he says I'm not very hip on technology lol do any of you guys know how to fix this or what it could be? Originally Posted by shayla84
I have done that a million times also installed some supposably cleaners but still is glitchy
endurance's Avatar
There are free antivirus apps on the play store - a lot of the well known good ones on the pc have android versions.
I take it you're on Android uh?

Androids are known for this as they get older. Anti virus apps for the most part are a gemmick; as long as you're responsible on where and what you download.

The only way to get the speed back from your phone is to backup your contacts, pictures, other media and do a hard reset to factory default settings.

It will seems like a brand new phone! Well at least from the 1st day you got it.

If it's an iPhone and you've been keeping it up to date with it's updates and it's older; you're fucked. Unless you can downgrade firmware or jailbreak it.
Luvdatpuddy's Avatar
The things that come to my mind, in no particular order, are:

1) Virus (already mentioned)
2) Physical damage (not much you can do about that)
3) Memory is getting full, causing lag - deleting photos, videos, and unneeded apps may help with that (or move them to an SD card).
4) Bloatware - apps that may be occupying a lot of processing power, running stuff in the background, etc. etc.

Before doing a factory reset (which would almost certainly help, although it's a bit extreme), I'd screen through and clean out (or back up to a laptop) the stuff you don't use a lot, and see if that helps.
GneissGuy's Avatar
What model of phone?
kirkos's Avatar
The phone was dropped in something sticky like sweet ice tea and the button now act funny when you push them because of the stickiness and the short that is being caused by the lines that transfer the data getting connected to each other and acting weird.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Shayla, See if you have access to the"running App" under your settings menu. If so, see if performance changes as you shut down each one individually. Ignore the warnings against shutting down an app, since things will come back up the same after reboot.
budman33's Avatar
Good tips all. But for me not enough info. What's it running? it is android, ios, windows, blackberry etc.?

your symptoms make me guess.. android.

Wakelock Detector is a free app.. yea i know adding fuel to fire of lag but will help identify if a particular app is killing the phone performance.

or check storage. If device is almost full and running low on storage then everything will run like shit.