for the pleasure, or for the pain ??

I came across this neat little video:

I just love the facial expressions (have seen 'em before, heh heh).

What makes this video fun to watch are all the cute little captions displayed throughout the clip.

At one point she poses the question, "Why do you guys like anal so much? Does it feel that good, or do you just like seeing me in pain ???"

I thought long & hard about the query. The jury is still out!

(there's something so erotic about contorted facial muscles)
Your thoughts?
Torito's Avatar
I have resisted commenting on this video, but I cannot leave it alone. My comments are not coming from an ECCIE staff member. My comments are totally my own.

I watched the entire video. It is the most repulsive video that I have ever seen. I am not able to understand how pleasure can be derived from inflicting pain on someone who has not earned it. I realize that the young woman allowed it. I could speculate about her reasons, but I would be guessing. The verbal comments are probably made to appeal to those who want to hurt others. I can't imagine being in that group who find her pain appealing. Her face makes me want to hold and comfort her, not to hurt her more.

I do not enjoy anal "sex". I do not consider the two to be related. That is my preference, but it is fine for those who like it. My point is that I consider inflicting pain to be a very negative thing. I can not imagine doing it intentionally and considering that sex. For me, sex is to be very pleasureable for both people. Otherwise, I just could not do it, nor would I want to. I have hurt 5 women in my sexual history. None were intentional and I felt horrible for doing so each time.

Sometimes the ladies that I have known have told me of painful, abusive treatment from customers. When I hear that I am enraged. It is not my business. They have needed the money enough for their families that they allowed it. I just don't understand how someone can want to hurt a woman who is doing her best to give him pleasure.

I repeat, this is not ECCIE staff speaking. It is me.

OldGrump's Avatar
Torito, you are not alone. +1
I'll fess up, I actually reported this thread. I thought it crossed the line in a couple of areas. I will leave it at that. Those who know me know I am far from being a prude.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The video IS offensive and I'm speaking as a woman who knows a little bit about pain and other things. And like Slowmover, I'm not really a prude.

Not sure that I wish to go into all of the reasons why, though. My thoughts are very murky and it would take a short novelette to write why.

Besides, that was a REALLY young girl who honestly probably didn't even wish to be in that video.

GarlandBone, I know you personally and just really like you a lot. Exploring sexuality is completely cool. But sometimes, topics or thoughts of philosophy, which is what this topic borders on (is this acceptable? how do you feel about it?) should probably be discussed in my neck of the woods, "Another Realm".

And you would probably get a lot of the same response there.

And honestly, well I've said enough. There are people who like inflicting pain and others who like receiving it. With regular sex, though, an interaction should be loving and caring, even if shared in increments of an hour.

But it's ABHORRENT to me to see a young woman being in pain (for ANY reason) that is inflicted by a man when she is not in the (alternative) lifestyle and so often, women will do things for a man to make him happy. But that is left to another discussion!

Take care,
This video is sad to watch and should be removed.
Any quick visit to most major porn sites and a quick search will find you a vast array of listings displaying WELL KNOWN top notch porn starts..all the way down to one time amateurs..u know what the all have in common

they HIRED on to shoot a certain "type" of video..often which their ability to contort their face..gag, puke, get slapped, spit, mascara running down their tear soaked face.. kelly wells, chloe and more were and are known for their "over the top" acting..dirty talk, and more.. no one talks about this.. why? cuz its known acting..

I get that we wanna assume this is all amature made and just happen to grace the internet.. fact her name and it pops up on every freakin site possible!! and then some

No one knows the specifics.. but asian porn and asians being in porn are popular because in part they are known for their "facial" expressions and that they appear to be "in pain" during sex.. check out any asian porn..

besides that.. its a niche.. obviously some guys like it..

besides that.. her age IS UNKNOWN..but obviously her being 18 is what they were going after different than porn star gauge being labeled a youngster when it fact she was mid 20's during most shoots lol..

geez.. she wasn't forced.. its asian porn..

and I get it.. its kinda taboo to have some girl "give it up" but not really be wanting to or into it.. it gives a guy a sense of "this girl wants me to use her".. sorta thing.. and possibly other mentally stimulating stuff..

geez.. people faces contort..the little snipets of comments on the movie she can't do anything about and obviously were put in during the editing.. besides that..they looped ALOT OF IT.. hell look at the isn't straight shot..they looped the damn thing to make it appear longer..for all we know it was 3 minutes and she quit

my point.. to each their own.. i get it why some guys like it.. its NOT wrong of the guy to like it..there was NOTHING absolutely NOTHING forced in that video.. hell as many people in "another realm" like the whole tied up..leather, mask, being "kept" from cumming, showers and other things.. i mean are we to assume that some girl in a bdsm video that is tied up is being forced? some girl getting a golden shower is being forced? she couldn't possibly be ACTING and/or like it?

the girl was acting.. its asian one knows why she was there..most likely it was on her own free will for some cash in her pocket..

god knows there are NO GIRLS on this board that fuck guys they wouldn't other wise fuck just for some cash
PODarkness's Avatar
I understand Torito's sentiment, and agree that there's nothing sexy about inflicting pain, but after spending some time behind the scenes, my suspension of disbelief has a very high threshold when it comes to porn. Very little is as it seems.

I edited a video much like that one once, and of course had to edit out the director telling the girl "I wanna see more pain" and other like phrases. By the time I cut all that, it looked like an mtv video with so many cuts, so I went back and looped the audio wherever possible instead.
If the girl was a true amateur I might consider the reality aspect, but that stuff is money in asia, and the more real it looks the more it's in demand. On the other hand, this was a Hawaiian product, not asian.

Look at the difference in lighting between the face shots and the back shots, and you will see they were shot at different times. The camera doesn't move. They turned around and shot it again from the other angle, with the same camera. It's not as it seems.

The only other issue is, does making a video like that encourage the behavior in guys who who would not be predisposed to doing it otherwise? That's another thread.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
i don't think it really matters if it is real or not. It's what kind of sick fuck would not only enjoy watching it, but then come on here and tell the world he thought it was a 'neat little video' and that what made it 'fun to watch' for him were the 'cute captions'.

PODarkness's Avatar
i don't think it really matters if it is real or not. It's what kind of sick fuck would not only enjoy watching it, but then come on here and tell the world he thought it was a 'neat little video' and that what made it 'fun to watch' for him were the 'cute captions'.

JPdM Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco

Come on Juan, don't beat around the bush, what's your opinion?

To an extent it does matter. We don't look at someone who likes slasher movies the same as someone who likes snuff films. The difference lies in if the film depicts reality or acting and special effects.

The OP expresses his opinion of participating in such activities, and that's another issue. Just liking that theme in your porn isn't by itself a statement of what you do BCD.
i don't think it really matters if it is real or not. It's what kind of sick fuck would not only enjoy watching it

JPdM Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
At least he's not being passive aggressive this time. He's just being self-righteous. Kind of ironic considering the very nature of this hobby, bartering cash for flesh, I mean time.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I'm surprised a bit at the polarity in here. Sure, there appeared to be SOME disenjoyment (is this a word?) on her part, but that's not the worst situation of pain I've ever seen. I mean, if it was TRULY that painful for her, odds are that she would've let out a really HOWLING scream or would've moved [involuntarily] in a way that suggests intolerable discomfort...most likely. As far as grimmacing goes, I grimmace with pushups, or running...but I keep going. Yeah, I'm in pain knocking out those last few reps or stepping out the last few yards, but I endure. The comparison isn't so much as anal pain to pushups, but the body's natural tolerance to protect itself. Meaning, if the pain is SOO BAD, she most likely is going to verbally indicate it, or physically.

I hope this doesn't make me a demon for saying so, but the video was kinda hot.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
hey johnnylongcaulking do you know johhnylongcock [sic]? ... registered within a month of each other...hmmm
Have not seen it. But I would ask, Was there a safe word? Were the details of the scene negotiated before hand?

As Elizabeth said, y'all should poke around Another Realm every now & again. Just like WALDT & some people's preference for MILFs over teens, the whole world is not seeking GFE's every time out. And some subs cannot get off without pain.
hey johnnylongcaulking do you know johhnylongcock [sic]? ... registered within a month of each other...hmmm Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
Fortunately not the same person. I even reported him for making threats against another member. No, I've been lurking since the old days of the other site. I've just finally tired of some people's arrogance, passive aggressive actions and duplicitous nature. If the shoe fits, wear it.