Are you a Night Owl -__- or a Morning Person ^_^ ??

Totally random thread but it's just a question I wanted to throw out there and see how many replies it will get and what everyone's view is..
Are you a night owl? Do you stay up late and get up later? Or are you a morning person? Are you the early bird that catches the worm? (I always thought that phrase was corny as hell)
I admit it: you will rarely hear from me before 11 a.m. and yes, I eat breakfast in the afternoon.
My mom used to have to pull the covers off of me at least 3 times and turn my bright-ass ceiling fan light on AND threaten to take my phone to make me get up for class when i was in middle school & high school.
I just can't stand waking up early.. like 7 or 8 am.. i mean come on, there's nothing on tv, no malls are open, the sun just barely showed its face, and mostly everyone I know is either at work or asleep like me.
Even when I had a "day job" I made sure to set my schedule so that I never came in before 10. I'm just super cranky at the ass-crack of dawn if there's no point in being up...
I don't function well in the morning and I'm half-sleeping anytime I'm up before 9 and 90% of the time I will go back to bed anyway.
Anybody else hate waking up early?
Am I the only one who subconsciously forwards every phone call in my sleep?
Has anyone else ever "snapped/went off" on someone for calling them before "waking hours"?

Gimme some feedback, guys and girls

gptxman's Avatar
A little of both unfortunately. I am a little nocturnal so it's hard for me to get to sleep before 2 AM or so but I still have to get up for work at 6 or 7 in the morning.

As far as sessions go I prefer them in the AM between 8 and 10 depending on what's going on that day. I have also been known to do sessions as late as 1 or 2 in the morning and still have to drive the hour home after.
i actually struggled with insomnia for a while.. i wasnt going to bed til 6 or 7 in the morning and would literally sleep all day. sometimes i have to force myself to go to sleep because i really hate wasting my day sleeping in bed (unless its cuddling with someone else ) i love sleeping in, but i usually try to be in bed and be finished with appts by 2 am, and up by 11 so that my sleeping pattern doesnt get messed up again
Good Morning!
Wheretonow's Avatar
I get up at 4am almost every morning (a holdover from my military days), and I'm one of those people who "hits the ground running". I jump in the shower, get dressed and prepare to tackle the day.

It's great for me to find providers who also function at a high level in the morning. Unfortunately there aren't very many out there...
Horsemancummeth's Avatar
Night owl here.I go to bed around 1:30 to 2am and am right back up around 5:45. I feel like crap if I sleep more them 5 hours.
It's great for me to find providers who also function at a high level in the morning. Unfortunately there aren't very many out there... Originally Posted by Wheretonow
I'm up at 4am getting ready for the day. It takes me a couple hours but I'm high functioning by 6am. Well, functioning fairly decently anyway. Overall, I have grown to love early mornings!

BUT, I have horrible insomnia and I was sleeping much like what the OP goes through. I have to force myself to get up at a certain time so that my sleeping pattern isn't thrown off....but I'm in bed by 10pm. And no TV in my room anymore! I have a hard time turning off my thoughts, and watching television seems to exacerbate the problem. I could stay up all night watching NATGEO or Syfy (It's thrills-a-minute over here!! ).
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I concur with your sentiment regarding mornings. They arrive far too early for my liking.
I also applaud the effort you put into creating your OP. It begins to reinforce the claims you made in one of your earlier posts.
My congratulations,


Morning person here. Up and at it at 8am.

I am in the bed no later than 9pm- 10pm. Unless I can't sleep. The grumpy-ness starts to settle in overtime. I am not a night owl by no means. I start to feel like a zombie. Lol.
Wheretonow's Avatar
Dannie wrote:
"I have a hard time turning off my thoughts, and watching television seems to exacerbate the problem. "

Wow! An especially good-looking lady with great reviews; who spells and uses "exacerbate" correctly; whose avatar includes "one of a kind" in Latin; AND is an early riser! Life doesn't get any better than this - except Dannie doesn't normally do 1-hour appointments : (.
bkat6049's Avatar
I'm in the shower at 5:00 AM, having coffee with my buddies at 6:00 AM.... Would love to do my hobbying by 9:00 AM if possible... Yeah, I'd say morning person....
I wish I was a morning person. One thing about this job is that it allows me to be lazy and sleep in to whatever time I want. So to answer the question... a lazy night owl.

Life doesn't get any better than this - except Dannie doesn't normally do 1-hour appointments : (.
Originally Posted by Wheretonow
Au contraire! When I am able to (if I'm not busy), I am totally down for the one hour appointment.

In fact, I have a one hour rate listed on my p411! Woohoo!

I'll have the coffee and bagels ready, too . Bring it on, early birds!!
Sleepy363's Avatar
Well, I've been up since 5pm yesterday if that answers your question

Definitely a night owl... have been all my life.
Well im both got to sleep about 3or4 wake up at 10:00 and start all over.