Old guys and young girls

Ok, at this point I am an older guy. 60+, but not by too much. Even 10 years ago I had and Asian provider in Dallas who was early 20s essentially say she wouldn't kiss me because I was too much like Papasan, or words to that effect. She fucked me like crazy, though. I am clean, good hygiene, etc. I have avoided providers under 35 since then. Am I wrong, or right?
N1ck1's Avatar
  • N1ck1
  • 02-23-2017, 10:51 PM
Why would you be wrong?!...
Ok, at this point I am an older guy. 60+, but not by too much. Even 10 years ago I had and Asian provider in Dallas who was early 20s essentially say she wouldn't kiss me because I was too much like Papasan, or words to that effect. She fucked me like crazy, though. I am clean, good hygiene, etc. I have avoided providers under 35 since then. Am I wrong, or right? Originally Posted by Prohacvice
I'm in the same boat at 60+ although I've been told I don't look nearly my age by people outside the hobby so maybe there's some truth to that and am, by some miracle (or genetics), the same height & weight (6'1"+, 185 lbs) as 40+ years ago but I'm still 60+. Oddly, I have been dipping into the 19-23 pool more recently and, much to my surprise or good fortune, have had some really good-to-spectacular sessions without unnecessary drama or issues. So, in answer to your question, my only counsel would be that I wouldn't necessarily eliminate a particular age group based on one experience 10 years ago but, obviously, that's your choice.
pyramider's Avatar
Yes, the OP is in the wrong.
Chung Tran's Avatar
society has been telling us for hundreds of years, that it is wrong to fuck girls from the "wrong" age, race, status, Country.. whatever.. we signed up here to get away from that shit..

why are you listening now?
Iaintliein's Avatar
There's plenty of variety here so the point is to see the ones YOU are the most comfortable with. I'm in the same age bracket you are as of last week and have generally had better times with the ladies mid thirties and older though the younger ones sure are cute.
oldmarine's Avatar
society has been telling us for hundreds of years, that it is wrong to fuck girls from the "wrong" age, race, status, Country.. whatever.. we signed up here to get away from that shit..

why are you listening now? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Chung, you nailed it. As long as the two people are willing, why the fuck not?
gladius82's Avatar
There are some 19-29 year olds that are wonderful fuck buddies, some are not....there are some 30 yo + providers that are wonderful fuck buddies, some are not.

Enjoy what ever age group, race, size etc. The whole point is what YOU enjoy, fuck what everyone else thinks. Enjoy what you like.
Half your age + 7 is the minimum age for a relationship. I search for under that for a simple Fuck Buddy...
If Bill Clinton can do it, why not us?
mtabsw's Avatar
You're only as old as the women you feel.

Shout out to my wingman, Ben. He is the one that charms them all into fucking my brains out.
PetrusMaximus's Avatar
If Bill Clinton can do it, why not us? Originally Posted by Sleepy69
She went down and sucked it hard while in the oval office.

Imagine that, all that sloppy sounds coming out under the Pres' desk.

That's enough to make any one GO.


TinMan's Avatar
Ok, at this point I am an older guy. 60+, but not by too much. Even 10 years ago I had and Asian provider in Dallas who was early 20s essentially say she wouldn't kiss me because I was too much like Papasan, or words to that effect. She fucked me like crazy, though. I am clean, good hygiene, etc. I have avoided providers under 35 since then. Am I wrong, or right? Originally Posted by Prohacvice
As I get older, I am running into that more. I'm not completely avoiding the younger set, but I do seem to get a better experience from the 30+ crowd.
  • shilo
  • 02-25-2017, 05:52 AM
Pretty much the same here Tinman. Seems the 30+ gals are more GFE and I feel a better connection. Not the young ones are smoking hot, just prefer a little more mature woman.
DocHolyday's Avatar
I believe we have a consensus here gentlemen. Fuck whoever your comfortable with and whoever is comfortable with you, age, race, size, etc. be damn!! This is about enjoying yourself and if the parties are comfortable with each other, you're both going to have a much better experience!!!
Now get out there Pro and hook up with a lady!!!!