J Gruden, A Brown, and the NFL

VitaMan's Avatar
Not exactly a big item for the political forum, but since Jon Gruden threads have been here and discussed, and this has some political over tones:

Jon Gruden gets fired immediately from his coaching job, for his untasteful emails

Antonio Brown gets immediately brought back from serving a suspension, after the Tampa Bay Buccaneers get shut out
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Ratings: the NFL wants them in the Super Bowl against the Chiefs again. The Bucks lost one of their top receivers for the year and Mike Evans has a bad hamstring, so he'll be iffy from week to week. They want to talk about Brady and Mahomes. It's hard to get far when Brady has only Gronk to throw the ball to.

But yeah, this isn't remotely political as you've already acknowledged. You should have mentioned that Brady and Trump are casual rarely even see each other friends. That would have made it political. Haha
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Ratings: the NFL wants them in the Super Bowl against the Chiefs again. The Bucks lost one of their top receivers for the year and Mike Evans has a bad hamstring, so he'll be iffy from week to week. They want to talk about Brady and Mahomes. It's hard to get far when Brady has only Gronk to throw the ball to.

But yeah, this isn't remotely political as you've already acknowledged. You should have mentioned that Brady and Trump are casual rarely even see each other friends. That would have made it political. Haha Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Because, to the NFL, forging an official government document isn't political. Right. Just business.

But you're right. It's all about the TV time-outs.
Not exactly a big item for the political forum, but since Jon Gruden threads have been here and discussed, and this has some political over tones:

Jon Gruden gets fired immediately from his coaching job, for his untasteful emails

Antonio Brown gets immediately brought back from serving a suspension, after the Tampa Bay Buccaneers get shut out Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Not just that, mate.

But the Bucs just signed Lavion Bell - formerly of
the Steelers and Jets... Hopefully (or un-hopefully)
he can pass the drug test as well as co-vid test.

But NOW I hear that NFL football don't even wanna test
for co-vid anymore... Just test the players who feel sick.

#### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
But the Bucs just signed Lavion Bell - formerly of
the Steelers and Jets... Originally Posted by Salty Again
That guy may have had the most comical 911 phone call recording I've ever heard. I'm paraphrasing this, but when the operator asked him to describe the two chicks who stole his shit, that fucking dummy pretty much said they were both naked in my bed when I went to the gym for my workout.

That's a hell of a great description for cops to track them down to find your shit.

He probably said more that was more descriptive, but that's the only part I remember because it cracked me up.
... Hey mate, remember when he and his friend got
busted by the police awhile-back? They had a girl in the
car with them... A "known" Pittsburgh pretty-bird provider.

That's all I'm gonna say.

#### Salty
VM you have now decided to post in the incorrect forum...nothing new the leftwing socialist have done that excites you in the POLITICAL world?? This is the forum for POLITICAL topics not whatever shit you come up with and start a thread in... This belongs in sandbox with the other cat SHIT you post...
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Of course. That was LaGarrete Blount. He of the infamous sucker punch while he was at Oregon that pretty much made him not draftable but had a nice and solid pro career.

Bell really is great at making sure the company he keeps around him are outstanding pillars of the community. They're great people. LOL
eccieuser9500's Avatar
VM you have now decided to post in the incorrect forum...nothing new the leftwing socialist have done that excites you in the POLITICAL world?? This is the forum for POLITICAL topics not whatever shit you come up with a post a thread in... This belongs in sandbox with the other cat SHIT you post... Originally Posted by bb1961

I made it political, shit-for-brains.

Forging a government documents is a crime. But the NFL thinks it should be a crime.

Fuckin' cartoon.
VM you have now decided to post in the incorrect forum...nothing new the leftwing socialist have done that excites you in the POLITICAL world?? This is the forum for POLITICAL topics not whatever shit you come up with and start a thread in... This belongs in sandbox with the other cat SHIT you post... Originally Posted by bb1961
... Wait half-a-mo, mate... Lucas DID mention Brady
and TRUMP ... so it's somewhat political.

And a good thread... so ---- am-scray. (Portugease)

### Salty
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Pig Latin.
... Too right, Lucas! ... Surely thought back-then that
the Steelers shoulda changed their name to "Police Blotters" ...

##### Salty
Pig Latin. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
... Yeah, like I mention... The farmers there
would talk Latin and what-not to their pigs
- in order to teach them to SING.

#### Salty
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Okay. That was somewhat funny. I award you two points.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
VM you have now decided to post in the incorrect forum...nothing new the leftwing socialist have done that excites you in the POLITICAL world?? This is the forum for POLITICAL topics not whatever shit you come up with and start a thread in... This belongs in sandbox with the other cat SHIT you post... Originally Posted by bb1961
Relax dude. We are just having some lighthearted fun. Hell, it beats that election fraud thread that has been going on since Jesus was a baby.