Movie Recommendation: Shame

DirtyDJ's Avatar
It came out 5 years ago but flew under the radar and was snubbed by the Oscars. Awesome movie starring Michael Fassbender as a "sex addict." It's directed by Steve McQueen (12 Years A Slave-which I still haven't seen)

A lot of the scenes hit home for me and I bet they will with you guys to, but it's not preachy at all.
bored@home's Avatar
I vaguely remember this..under tones of incest and more dick than tits.
Snubbed and awesome are a bit of a stretch in my opinion. If memory serves he did get Will Smith pissy about the lack of recognition and claimed something about his full frontal intimidating the audience and critics.
Either way glad you enjoyed it, and now maybe others will as well.

Btw, 12 years is def worth a watch
DirtyDJ's Avatar
If memory serves he did get Will Smith pissy about the lack of recognition and claimed something about his full frontal intimidating the audience and critics. Originally Posted by bored@home
When you say Will Smith, I think you're talking about the director Steve McQueen. I just did some googling and he said American audiences weren't ready for all the sex and nudity in Shame and that's why Fassbender wasn't nominated. There were some scenes that made me uncomfortable but his dick occasionally being out wasn't one of them.
Stevensegal's Avatar
More dicks than tits??? Hmmm...Wouldn't mind that if the dicks around a woman's lips.
I found Nymphomaniac volume 1&2 more entertaining as far as these kinds of movies go...