Pre-Screening with no appointment

MajorHands's Avatar
Is it any kind of common practice for clients to pre-screen with providers without an actual appointment set? Faith28 posted a thread about Same Day Appointments:

It occurred to me that completing the screening process with some providers in advance of making an actual appointment "just in case" would make short notice or same day appointments less troublesome.

Simply from a marketing standpoint, for those clients and providers who put in the time and effort to pre-screen, it's a win-win situation. The provider has pre-qualified prospects who have expressed interest in her, and the client has greater flexibility in seeing a provider.

There are a number of providers I think I'd enjoy seeing, but don't have a specific window of time in sight when I could see would be great if I had an established line of communication when a window of opportunity occurs.

So, is this an already established practice...or would this be a new concept?
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-03-2010, 02:08 PM
Excellent topic. You would think that if the ladies took FULL use of the "ladies only" section of the forum, this might already be taken care of. I can't see that, so I can not speak intelligently on the subject.
I'm not sure how many girls would want to spend the time to pre-screen a guy for a maybe chance to meet. And then how long would you think they should maintain your info to meet? A week? Month? 6 months? I think instead of sending out references to ladies you would like to meet somtime in the future, only send them out to someone you want to meet in the very near future. And then as the date approaches, some e-mails back and forth to start the lines of communication and get more comfortable with each other.
remix's Avatar
  • remix
  • 03-03-2010, 05:02 PM
MH, I just did the same thing with several providers in Buffalo and Rochester. I sent references and got an initial response from 2 but have not gotten a "good to go" from any. They may be waiting for me to make a firm appointment. I do intend to see all three, I'm just not sure when as my schedule changes quickly. Seemed like a good idea to me to get the screening process out of the way.
It happened to me twice, but not on purpose. I was screened, but was unable to make an appointment. The first time she offered outcall only and I needed an incall. I was able to see her much later. The second time our two schedules had no overlap. We are still waiting for an opportunity.
Limerick's Avatar
I have been pre-screened on more than one occasion with more than one provider.

I simply explained my situation and said that I wanted to get the screening out of the way in the event they might be available on short notice. The ladies never said anything so I assumed it wasn't uncommon.
It happened to me recently. Was hoping to set something up, which wasn't possible without screening, so I went through the process but then we never had any times that were compatible. She said that the next conversation will start with "When can you get here?" instead of another screening.
MajorHands's Avatar
Sounds good...thanks, Gents.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
"pre-screened" A few providers will do this if someone sounds like a person they want to meet. Or to say you have been checked out before you even asked. Most will wait to you do ask.
I have told people that they can prescreen for the next day,sometimes it works.....some times it doesn't.I have had a few people give me their info and I took the time to screen them and then they chicken out.I wouldn't have a problem prescreening anyone,especially if they wanted a last minute appt.