Fee: as per site

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Fee: as per site:

I have seen more reviews listed with out a fee. I am thinking that this is not right to not post the fee on the board. Is this the way we want to go? what are the reasons for this? Is this what providers want us to do?

I am at a loss of what is right. Input from all please. male members, mods and providers.
Rhomboid's Avatar
I'll have to agree with offshore here. What's with the lack of fees here?
GneissGuy's Avatar
A long time ago
in a galaxy far, far away,

When I was responsible for approving review credit.

I usually wouldn't give review credit if I guy put "as per web site" or something similar on the review. I would usually let the guy correct the review and get credit.
I agree OSD.

I will cite e com for the purposes of age out of respect for the women and the tales they chose to tell. However, I'll put it in the Age data field with "Per e com......"

Fees? For some there are just a very few things they want to know and fee is almost always one of them. Don't make me go looking for it please.
I feel ya on this one. A good review should have everything I need right there. The fee field is there for a reason. A history of reviews and ads lets us know if the gal is on her way up or down, or runs specials.

I don't care if you bartered for your session or get some special discount the rest of us do not get. Just tell me how much I need to bring so that both our expectations our met.
cravenmorehead's Avatar
Must be free if it's not listed
Madame X's Avatar
I'll readily admit that I have a hard time listing my rates on those pre-fab forms in directories. It's not that I'm lazy or whatever, and if it makes a man pass me over, then I'll gladly let him go.

I have no set fee per hour! And I don't offer hour long appointments! And, I don't want to have to cram some explanation for all that into a 500 character text box!

However, I do have a full and clear (color coded, even) explanation freely available on my site. So on all those forms, I simply invite gents to come over and take a look at it

~Mme X~
I'll readily admit that I have a hard time listing my rates on those pre-fab forms in directories.

So on all those forms, I simply invite gents to come over and take a look at it

~Mme X~ Originally Posted by Madame X
I think this thread was started because of reviews where a fee was available and simply wasn't included.

Your page reminds me of the old joke, "If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it".

I'm an old guy so that's a funny joke to me.

Happy Hunting X
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 03-07-2010, 05:12 AM
This gives me the feeling that the reviewer is sending us to her website to see her rates, but is also saying "this is NOT what I paid" !!!
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 03-07-2010, 05:42 AM
Of the seven hobbyist's responding to this thread 4 of them have 6 reviews between them. And they should tell others what to put in a review! Get real guys.

I can see the other 3 requesting more info. However I believe a review is a personal thing, and should say no more or no less than the reviewer care to share.

I had this very conversation with Tbone when I was in Dallas not long ago and he totally agrees a review is what you want to share no more no less.

cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 03-07-2010, 06:42 AM
what you want to share no more no less.

Iggy Originally Posted by iggy
Agree with you!
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 03-07-2010, 08:35 AM
Do like your outlook on doing your reviews!!

Is this how you do private??
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 03-07-2010, 08:41 AM
Sometimes I am not in the mood to write a detailed review though, just provide the basic information
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Well I only have 3 On this board all the same provider. I have more on born again site. I have slowed way down. Some I see are UTR. And I tend to stay with only a few. So the review may be for every 5th or 6th time.

I did not start thread to tell others how to do a review.

I think fee is to be part of it. Some do not.

So is fee needed, option, or only needed for credit?

If I start going more, I will review. But what do I do for the FEE line if and when I do?

In the past I have always put the fee. If it was lower for what ever reason I told why, or just put down the normal fee.