
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Crime goes up, police get fired, crime goes up more, demoralized police quit and what happens? Vigilantes begin taking the issue on to defend their communities. The federal government uses this pretext to order federal police into the area with the intent of stopping "gun violence". Civil rights will be ignored and innocent citizens arrested. We've seen it with the January 6th kangaroo court. Now they can take the show on the road.
bambino's Avatar
Well, people can see very clearly what’s going on. They don’t like it. Who would? Only fucknuts in this forum. And the minority of dumbfucks in this country.
ICU 812's Avatar
Many years ago I had a job that required me to drive a short "high cube" truck around several rural counties with a very special piece of medical equipment in it. I would go to little hospitals in little towns and do diagnostic imaging with isotopes.

As it happened, my wife was out of town visiting her folks. Her car was at the airport. My car was at my place of work. On one day, my work rout took me past our suburban neighborhood on the way back to the shop. So I stopped at the house, backed this truck up to the garage and plugger in the camera in the back to top up the battery.

I was home about ten or fifteen minutes when someone pounded on the door. It was our next door neighbor and the neighbor lady from across the street. Glad to see ME, they explained that they thought someone was robbing our house! When they turned to leave, I saw that our next door neighbor had a big pistol in his back pocket . . .which explained his odd posture when the door was opened.

That is vigilance. They were true Vigilantes.
LexusLover's Avatar
Good neighbors are not "Vigilantes" ever.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
A real definition of vigilante is someone who takes the law into their own hands. They make the law, they enforce the law, and they execute the law. Your neighbors were NOT vigilantes. They were investigating and willing to enforce the written law.
In spite of all the confusion wrought by the media for several years, where did vigilantes come from? In California (yes, it's an American invention) shortly after the gold rush started, there was no law. Absolutely no law. Nothing written down and no justice system. So "vigilance" committees emerged to protect the common man. Of course without a written law code, they pretty much made up the law as they went. You're Chinese...too bad, mining for gold (much less finding it) was for white men. You're an asshole and completely unlikeable, you cross a line, and you're found guilty of something. The penalty could be an ass kicking, a ritual beating, being run out of town, or you could be hung if they could find a tall enough tree.
Most so-called "vigilantes" in modern times are trying to enforce written law. The media has been wrong for years. Even those three jerks in Georgia who killed a man for jogging in their neighborhood were trying to enforce the law as they knew it. They weren't vigilantes but dumbasses.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Endgame total chaos ,,, followed by total gov control ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,lock and load
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2021, 12:12 PM
We've seen it with the January 6th kangaroo court. Now they can take the show on the road. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Kangaroo Court?

Here WacoKid...this is white privilege. Storming Congress to overthrow election results and expecting to judicial system to turn its head away to a bunch of looney whites that think they are Patriots!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Kangaroo Court?

Here WacoKid...this is white privilege. Storming Congress to overthrow election results and expecting to judicial system to turn its head away to a bunch of looney whites that think they are Patriots! Originally Posted by WTF

so all the BLM Antifa riots were black privilege. thanks for clearing that up!!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2021, 12:23 PM
so all the BLM Antifa riots were black privilege. thanks for clearing that up!!

BAHHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It does work both ways.

Dumbasses haven't figured out that yet.

There is black privilege when entering an all black neighborhood.

Don't believe me? Fly out to Compton and have your white ass walking the streets talking your internet ebonics
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It does work both ways.

Dumbasses haven't figured out that yet.

There is black privilege when entering an all black neighborhood.

Don't believe me? Fly out to Compton and have your white ass walking the streets talking your internet ebonics Originally Posted by WTF

i'll need a ebonics translator. are you available?
FatCity's Avatar
ENDGAME. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
you'd better be thinking a little further than "vigilante", genius
The end game is exactly what country destabilization efforts have done for the last 100 years. Subvert the authority, undermine its institution. Its a warfare waged without weapons.

The only endgame is complete destruction. You have no say, you're unable to 'fight' because there is no enemy in front of you.

  • oeb11
  • 11-15-2021, 03:00 PM
wtf promotes the Racism of teh democaticommunist party - designed to polarize and divide America along racial lines
The democraticommunist party - is teh greatest purveyor of Racism since they were teh KKK
WTF - You are hardly a libertarian - that racism - anti white - and inherent racism in excusing riots of blacks because of 'white Guilt -is Racist in and of itself.

It is white patriarchal racism of white 'guilty' liberals - who know they are superior and have the Right to control and dictate what Black Peoples do, say, think and feel according to teh democraticommunist manifesto and dictates - in order to keep Black Peoples on the democraticomunist Plantation.

the democraticommunist party is busily destroying teh Voter rights and Civil rights acts of 1964 - and all that MLK Jr. did and accomplished.

They are-instituting Racial preference, segregation, and skin color Uber Alles as teh primary qualification for any and everything!
That - is RACIST.

Shame on You - wtf - for Your Racism!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
you'd better be thinking a little further than "vigilante", genius
The end game is exactly what country destabilization efforts have done for the last 100 years. Subvert the authority, undermine its institution. Its a warfare waged without weapons.

The only endgame is complete destruction. You have no say, you're unable to 'fight' because there is no enemy in front of you.

Originally Posted by FatCity
The past is the past. You have to update your ideas with a nod towards what happened before. Yes, I am a genius. Thanks for noticing.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Sadly that why history is being cancelled ,,, Marxism 101 is the new normal