Would you rather incall at????

Motel/notel, apartment or house. And why?
4 star hotel, apartment or house. This depends on the provider. If she is touring Houston then I would say 4 star hotel only. No motel/notel. To me this shows the provider has a good work environment standard. If she is a local then house or apartment will do. The more established the more I would lean to preferring a house. This is mainly because a house as an incall is a little harder to make all the visiting men seem "normal" to neighbors. However, if she is established I would tend to think that she has that issue under control. If she is newer I would personally stay away from a house incall and do apartments or hotels.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-07-2012, 10:56 AM
Don't care to much. Just keep it clean and in a safe area.
Jkris's Avatar
  • Jkris
  • 03-07-2012, 11:01 AM
Dorian Gray's Avatar
the more secluded and unassuming the better
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Some hobbyist don't like to go through lobbys at Hotels.

A house potentially exposes you to nosey neighbors especially if there is a lot of come and go traffic.

Apartments usually have only one way in and out. Also, if gated the hobbyist needs a gate code...hopefully before he arrives.
Actually motel first, apartment 2nd. Motels cause you can kind of check out your surroundings - if there's anything suspicious, like several wreckers hanging around or cars with baby moon hupcaps, you can split. Apartments because people walking around don't raise as many eyebrows. I hate interior hallway appointments, you never know when the door across the hallway will pop open....
carkido45's Avatar
Notels okay.
Apartments have to many peeping eyes
A house would also fall under the peeping eyes thing.
Discretion is the key word .
I like my private incall here in Dallas. It's a nice gated community... but when I travel to Houston next week... I'll be in a 5 star hotel. The nicer the better. Makes it more believeable.. when the gentleman's walking thru the lobby... nicely dressed. Who knows... he could've checked in with the previous shift working so no one really watches that.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I'm with Amber - I do my best to stay in a place that's nice, large, and big enough anyone can blend in. The "lowest" hotel I'll stay in is 3.5* (as location/amenities are sometimes more important than it being 4*).

My incall is in a gated complex as well, and I can't even tell you what my neighbours look like. It's a big anonymous place, and works well.
The key is clean with offer of fluffy washcloths and towels to clean uP after.

I generally hate notels. The smell. The cheap beds and furniture. The threadbare and stained sheets. And worst of all the germ ridden bedspreads.

My favorite are nicer hotels, apartments, and homes if well appointed. The homes and apartments decor is often indicative of a lady's attention to detail which if good just adds to the experience. Personal nick nacks often provide something to talk about that can add to a gfe.

I was surprised about the privacy and safety concerns some of the guys raised about homes, apartments, and hotels...I guess I just never gave it much thought. While a motel won't necessarily stop me from seeing a lady I want to see, I'd prefer to avoid notels if I could.
john353's Avatar
Notels...have a bed and a girl inside that wants to fuck....period! LOL

Hotels...are a lot easier to blend in as they always have people coming and going and it isn't unusual for people to be walking down hallways and knocking on doors during all hours of the night. As long as you don't look suspicious, you fit in rather easily.

Apartments/Condos...are great as long as the provider is low volume. To much traffic raises eyebrows by nosy neighbors who may have little ones running around. Other than that, it's pretty easy to blend in.

Houses...IMHO, are to easy to be spied on by nosy neighbors. They can see every car that pulls up and watch every little thing that happens. Out of all of them...houses make me the most nervous.
ICU 812's Avatar
I prefer to see a "local" provider who maintains a nice hobby apartment. I prefer to see a visiting provider at an up-scale hotel. I prefer in-calls in The Greenway Plaza or Galleria arewas because its easy to get to. I am a little less comfortable seeing a provider where she actually lives, and more uncomfortable at a No-Tell.
Thanks for the info. I see it this way. A hotel or motel can get hot and you just simply move around. Upperclass hotels alot of times have inside rooms so you have to walk through the halls causeing alot of attention to one room, not just parkin front of the room and go in. Plus as you know us girls have to pay for these things out of our pocket, so the higher the room the more I have to charge. A Hotel or Notel is also easier to check the room and make sure noone is hiding inthe closet lol. I mean I would never stay at a roach motel for sure, my rooms are decent. At an apartment their are eyes everywhere and you can't change it often as you can a room. So if it gets hot, then you are being watched. Not to mention lots of apartment complexes have a issue with to much traffic. But good thing about a apartment is the $$$ you save on room rent. I myself haven't ever heard a complaint of my room
I work out of, and I bring my own top sheet to work on a clean sheet lol. I say find a decent place to work where the office people don't bother or put attention to you, and there you go. I have one I use for 45 north and one I use for 45 south. I was just wanting some feedback
Plus when a girl has multiple great reviews you should feel safe.