Update on HR 6357: To Prohibit the Extrajudicial Killing of United States Citizens, and for Other Purposes

SEE3772's Avatar
markroxny's Avatar
When are you leaving the country again?
SEE3772's Avatar
When are you leaving the country again? Originally Posted by markroxny
Go read the bill...
It was introduced and authored by a Democrat.
markroxny's Avatar
And you are concerned about this..why?

I mean aren't you leaving?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Isn't it amazing no one thinks it is a sad commentary on the state of our government that a bill has to be introduced to prohibit the killing of American citizens without due process? Is that what we have come to? And then they will say we're still a free country.

I wonder how the vote will turn out.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And you are concerned about this..why?

I mean aren't you leaving? Originally Posted by markroxny
You aren't concerned about this . . . why?
markroxny's Avatar
You aren't concerned about this . . . why? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Im not pro-death.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So you think it is ok for the government to have the authority to kill American citizens without due process. Is that correct?
SEE3772's Avatar
And you are concerned about this..why?

I mean aren't you leaving? Originally Posted by markroxny
Dual citizenship.
I'm leaving for a whole host of reasons.
The in your face Police State is one of them.
America is not the land of the free anymore.
It's a big world and I intend to enjoy it.
markroxny's Avatar
So you think it is ok for the government to have the authority to kill American citizens without due process. Is that correct? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The police have had that right for years. You should come to New York sometimes. The police here shoot down citizens on a regular basis without due process...usually black citizens.

I don't hear you crying about that.
The police have had that right for years. You should come to New York sometimes. The police here shoot down citizens on a regular basis without due process...usually black citizens.

I don't hear you crying about that. Originally Posted by markroxny
Well, of course he's not crying about that. They're black. And probably democrats. The American citizens BOG is concerned about are those that have renounced their US citizenship and gone to other countries to join up in the jihad against the US. Instead of engaging in our God-given right of self-defense by dropping a drone-strike up the US citizen/Jihadi's asshole, we should send American soldiers out there to the shit-hole deserts where these fucking murdering traitors are holed up, arrest them, advise them of their Miranda rights and then bring them back to the US for a trial and hopefully, a conviction. Then, the traitor/Jihadi/murderer can spend the rest of his life in a comfortable prison cell, filing lawsuits seeking Islamic meals, the right to declare Jihad in federal prison and the right to be free of all pork products....all on the taxpayers' nickel.

I don't fucking think so.....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Take your racist shit and shove it up your ass, Timmy. You know nothing about me. And if you local police are violating anyone's rights, it's against the law. This act is to remove the legal killing without due process. We're not talking self-defense type killing, it's US government targeted killing. If you're ok with that, fine.