Do providers want to know...

funnyboy's Avatar
I was wondering, when a provider is contacted do you want to know why we are contacting you? By that I mean, should we tell you we saw some great reviews on ECCIE and that was the basis for our decision? Or does that just make you wonder what the review said and wonder what exactly we are looking for?

A while back I went to escape1 in Houston (just to let you know how long ago). The lady I picked asked why I chose her. I was honest and told her I had seen the reviews on ASPD. Her response was "oh, ok, it isn't all true". We had a good session but wonder if it could have been great if I hadn't mentioned it.

Wow, look at me rambling.
Some providers are YMMV, inconsistent in the quality of their product/service/performance.
Some will use that line [It isn't all true] to let you know not to expect the same quality in your session as you read in the review. And sometimes the reviewer will [gasp] exaggerate the details for who knows what reason.

Your session is what it was, and we will appreciate your reviewing it (her) on this site in a clear, erotic fashion.

I like to hear it when gentlemen say why they called me. It sort of gives you an idea of expectations I suppose.

I believe it's in chipper's sig line (I am VERY much paraphrasing!): there are X # of providers in the area, make me feel like you are happy I chose you.

I think that is a GREAT line! I AM happy when you choose me!

I think this is a good thread!
I definitely like to know, primarily so I can determine where my advertising money/time is best spent. Occasionally I've been led to boards I didn't know existed, and ads I didn't know existed (many sites will post them without our consent). Also, if I can read his prior reviews or posts, I get a better idea of the kind of experience he's interested in and if he has any major likes/dislikes. This is a good thing for him.

I agree with the lady you saw -- not everything you read in reviews is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Sometimes review writers have a different perspective than the lady on how the date went, have faulty memories, embellish the experience to make themselves/the lady look better, or just plain lie for whatever reason. Interpret what you read in reviews with a grain of salt, especially if they're not reviewers you know and trust.