Thank you border czar

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Nice job. At least when the smoke clears, whether she wins or loses, because I didn't support her, I won't have blood on my hands, and I didn't support her with my vote to destroy America. Just what we need another 425,000 convicts, 13,100 killers, and 15,800 rapists and sexual assaulters.

Nice photo op today at the border. 20 minutes with 2 officers who didn't want to be any part of the dog and pony show. That's it.

... And when you count the "got aways" - the number's prolly
WELL OVER 600,000. ... Nice work they're doing in "Sanctuary citys"

... Open Borders - and Danger and Destruction for America.

... Is Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris EVER gonna explain
WHY she and Sleepy Joe have left the borders open??
After all - she IS The Border Czar!

##### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
A lot of context missing here. What’s the time frame? How many are currently in prison? How many cases occurred in the last three years? I’ve done some searches online but I can’t find any of the answers.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
adav8s28's Avatar
Harris was never the Border Czar. If you want to thank someone, thank Biden. Biden was the one who reversed all of Trumps executive orders on immigration.

Can the Republicans agree to some sort of pathway to citizenship for the ones who have been here 20 plus years? Remember it was Bush43 who said at a SOTU address it's not practical to round up 15 million people and send them back home.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Harris was never the Border Czar. If you want to thank someone, thank Biden. Biden was the one who reversed all of Trumps executive orders on immigration.

Can the Republicans agree to some sort of pathway to citizenship for the ones who have been here 20 plus years? Remember it was Bush43 who said at a SOTU address it's not practical to round up 15 million people and send them back home. Originally Posted by adav8s28
no, she never was. that "title" always was a construct of the media. under both republican and democrat administrations.

the issue you don't seem to acknowledge is that the mostly .. wait for it .. LIBERAL MEDIA named her that and the Biden Admin NEVER corrected it .. because at the time they considered it an advantage.

now it's because of the disaster the border is .. intentionally by Biden/Harris .. the press and the DemonRats are in DA-Nile of this disaster at the border .. "led by the Border Czar ..Harris the cunt"

and by the way .. your only other reply is that the Biden/Harris Admin is so incompetent they had no idea for nearly 4 years they let 10 MILLION illegals in without knowing it

so which is it?

deliberate or incompetent?


and about those EO's Biden reversed .. he opened the flood gates .. on purpose.

do you approve of that .. 10 MILLION illegals later??
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Harris was never the Border Czar. If you want to thank someone, thank Biden. Biden was the one who reversed all of Trumps executive orders on immigration.

Can the Republicans agree to some sort of pathway to citizenship for the ones who have been here 20 plus years? Remember it was Bush43 who said at a SOTU address it's not practical to round up 15 million people and send them back home. Originally Posted by adav8s28

It was well known she was in charge of the southern border, hence the term Border Czar. Funny that for 3 1/2 years nobody said jack shit about it, then when they did their coup and threw biden under the bus, it's all of a sudden a big deal.

In the minds of millions of Americans, both parties, she was the border czar and that can't be changed no matter how many of her sheep are burdened with the illness of selective memory.

txdot-guy's Avatar
and by the way .. your only other reply is that the Biden/Harris Admin is so incompetent they had no idea for nearly 4 years they let 10 MILLION illegals in without knowing it

so which is it? deliberate or incompetent?


and about those EO's Biden reversed .. he opened the flood gates .. on purpose. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The number 10 million is problematic. But the number is upward of eight million plus as I understand it. Maybe someone could find a verified number.

Yes, it was definitely deliberate. And to our benefit actually. The extra labor that immigrants, legal or otherwise, provided helped keep inflation manageable by providing cheaper labor costs during and after the pandemic. they also contributed to social security and medicare revenue that they will never get.

They only changed their tune when it became politically unpopular.

bahahhahhahahahaa, I think that I’m going to start referring to this as the Waco Cackle.
lustylad's Avatar
A lot of context missing here. What’s the time frame? How many are currently in prison? How many cases occurred in the last three years? I’ve done some searches online but I can’t find any of the answers. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
No time frame - but I hear the numbers are roughly 2-1/2 times larger than when Biden/Harris took office.

The table says "non-detained" - which obviously means NONE of these convicted individuals are in prison.

The reason you can't find anything online yet is because the mainstream media is avoiding the story like the plague. I don't think they can keep suppressing it, however, now that Trump is citing the numbers on the campaign trail.

I have a lot questions, too. Were these people convicted of crimes in their home countries or here in the US? Does CBD "catch and release" them first, then find out about their criminal histories later? Or do we know we're releasing "bad hombres" into the country when we catch them and run their info against our existing criminal/terrorist databases?

Whichever the case may be, this "catch and release" policy is insane!

One more thing - the 425k number is for CONVICTED criminals only. I hear there are another 225k who have been released while awaiting trial in the US on various criminal charges. It appears we don't lock anyone up anymore.

If anything, the numbers underestimate the problem. They don't include the 30k migrants a month who are coming in under the Biden/Harris parole policy. This program flies in people from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Haiti - countries that don't cooperate with us in sharing criminal records, which means we have no way to vet the migrants beforehand.

Perhaps our resident immigration expert HDGristle will weigh in?