a question for the guys

Hey guys I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and wanted some input...I know men like selection....but if you had the opportunity to an arrangement with one female and only one female would you do or ask her to be exclusive with you and only you in an agreeable preset arrangement?? I am curious. Have a wicked day..i am going to post this is a few different areas to see what the general opinion is....
Hey guys I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and wanted some input...I know men like selection....but if you had the opportunity to an arrangement with one female and only one female would you do or ask her to be exclusive with you and only you in an agreeable preset arrangement?? I am curious. Have a wicked day..I am going to post this is a few different areas to see what the general opinion is.... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Speaking for myself, and I am polyamorous, I don't think it would be fair to ask for exclusivity. Now if it is a SD/SB relationship, a SD could ask for exclusivity but but at a price point. And how would one verify that exclusivity? (Isn't that the issue with nuclear arms?)