
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
When a provider advertises Nuru massage. What do you expect? What does it mean?
NURU is also referred to as a "soapy". Go one of these a number of years ago when I was in the service. Traditionally, you and the provider are both naked and she is covered is a very slick substance and she rubs her body over various parts of your body. It's essentially an extra form of foreplay meant to get your engine going. It can be fun if the provider knows what she's doing to get the best effect out of it.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
In Japan it was called a body bath. Back in the day of course.
jaja133's Avatar
Ive seen porn clips of the one with the slimy stuff, and it was called nuru. All i can say is, if that is what it is, it looks like it would be awsome, and would love to try.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
It is awesome!
I always bring plenty of the stuff (authentic NURU gel) when I come to Nebraska. It was very popular my last visit .
Somewhat like this but better because it's with the NURU gel (not soap .. and I do refrain from bare contact so a cover and a little safety maneuvering is necessary): {staff edit- links to porn sites are not allowed- CK} lol I hope I can post this O_O.
burkalini's Avatar
Nuru makes my Peepee stand up
Bigh1955's Avatar
Lived in Japan for 7 years. NURU not only feels great but it's supposedly good for your skin. The stuff is very slippery/slimey - hence the fun of a good b2b rub. Don't go for Nuru unless you have a half hour to shower and clean up. It gets EVERYWHERE.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Nuru is a specific gel made out of seaweed.

There used to be a site, or something like that, that would show ladies performing the whole Nuru experience however, I think that site is either defunct or has changed it's address. I cannot find it now.

I use a Liberator type of messy play mat and put it on the floor. I've known of some ladies who have used either a plastic float type of thing to play on or have used even a small wading pool.

Point being, is when you USE this stuff, you slide all over the place. In fact, even if you had rubber sheets on the bed, and you didn't mind getting the bed wet and messed up, chances are good that you could just slide off of the bed!

At any rate, some people like it and others think it's just alright. I'm in the later group.

The best way to enjoy Nuru is to take a wet shower, first, and then stay damp before starting to mess around. The gel works better that way.

Also, afterwards, you're going to have to shower it off. And I'm not speaking of rinsing off.

You have to take a washcloth and WASH this stuff off of you.

It's safe to use as a lubricant while you're sliding around everywhere. And it's very easy to well ... slip ... like a penis can slip into a pussy without really trying to.

That didn't sound right ... just note that if you play around with Nuru gel and messy play, keep the condoms close by and a couple of clean towels right there beside you and the mat.

Sometimes, and I'm serious about this, you get involved and to get up and try to get supplies would ruin the mood. So if you try this, try to have everything close by ... including something nice to drink, too.

Oh, and the guy who posted right before me has it right.

Make sure that you have the time to REALLY clean up afterwards. It gets in your hair and everything needs to be washed afterwards.

It's not a quick clean up at all. Not for the Nuru stuff or anyone or anything.

It can be a lot of fun. I would have probably liked it a lot more 15-20 years ago. And it's novel for giving it a go.

Nothing ventured. Nothing gained!