Is it worth it?

12blue4u's Avatar
So I saw a sipsap provider recently. She is on here not sure if verified or not. She no showed the first appointment,fell asleep?? and then made the second. She failed on another and then said would make it up and claimed fell asleep again and NS on third or forth i forgot. She then claimed I upset her? Huh I was the one who rearranged schedule and was supposed to be paying for service.
She then messages and said she is over it and will schedule again. Guess what NS and no communication.
I am not going to give her a review which actually would have been good. But since this is such an open place I did not want to bring it all out.
Should I simply ask for a PM if you want to know or put it for public display who she is?
IMHO, I would do a truthful review, that is what reviews are for. If one of us NCNS a provider, they would put it on their rating of us or put us on their blacklist so I do not think it is unfair as long as you are stating the facts.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I think you should let the other guys know, how you do that is up to you.
Isn't that what the boards are for?
12blue4u's Avatar
Easy for all to say. She has been to my house, found out later her SO who logs in under her name (so she claims) and I do not need the possible crap and shit online or otherwise which is why I went the PM method. Like I stated for she got upset with me rather weirdly. After she does not show up or contact me 2 hours later I see she is logged into sip. Claims it was SO. I go WTF right.
I could write a short story on this but I really do not want to. I think she is nice but just does not get it. PM for details.
I think you just provided a good example of even if you do outcall, you should not do it to your home. At least the first one or two times a hotel for outcall would be better just in case the provider has a SO, Pimp, or someone else that is just a little wierd.
I think you've handled this correctly.
It can be a tough line to walk at times and this way you have allowed for others, that you trust, to get in touch with you for the facts.

We've all got to handle what we put on here in the best we that we see fit and are able to manage.
She sounds batshit crazy, which often can make for a great session. Was the session you had with her any good? Not for me, because TCB is HUGE in my book, but I know there are a lot of guys that would put up with all the shit for the freak show in bed.
I don't do NCNS from my end and sometimes the call is down right embarassing. If a provider does NCNS to me twice it is over. You might be gorgeous and the best experience in the world - but you are neither if you are not there.
I have no actual data to back this up but I bet less than 10% of negative reviews ever get posted. Simply not worth the risk or headache that could happen.

Heck I posted a positive review once, made one comment that wasn't 100% positive and got my email blown up asking to get it changed.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I had a guy say some negative things in a review recently and I spoke to him about it. He offered to have it change or redo it and I told him no don't do that, the boards are here to inform and by changing it, it wouldn't be right.
Not everyone is going to like what is said about them, but thats part of the game.
If you can't deal with the truth then get out of the game.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
In fact, I felt really bad for every calling him. I shouldn't have, but I had another provider call me about it making it worse than what it was and I didn't think first.
12blue4u's Avatar
I think 4 times is enough including one when we txted 1 hour from appointment and she was still going to show and guess what ... another excuse..the next day.