Rude Moderators

12blue4u's Avatar
So mods want us to be nice and then post to a new girl who does not know all the stupid rules on here that are arbitrary at best. Then close the thread so no one can comment on them. I am sure I will get a warning or some shit from the fiefdom that runs this but like I care. Whats the worst or in some people mind the best I get to go away. Oh no not that please please Mr Mod do not do that.

Comments posted by mod to Ms Creamy
" Get verified status or go somewhere else" Huh...boy that is good way to want someone to come and join us.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
In the mods defense, she posted in the welcome in May, then posted again yesterday, they told her how to get verified and two months later she still hasn't done it. I'm sure it gets frustrating for them when people want the advantage of the site but are not willing to take the steps to use it.
I do agree though it could have been said in a different way.
Plus we don't know if or what communication might have been exchanged via PM's. I think the mods were pretty nice to her in May, and it appears she really didn't want to learn how this board works. Getting verified is partly for our safety as well Blue.
The MODs have been quite fair with her considering she's advertised 6 times and hasn't bothered to become a VP. If she's having trouble figuring out how the board works, she could ask for help from any of us, its not our responsibility to seek her out and ask her if she needs help.
Originally Posted by Smooth Sailing

You sir just made me spit my tea out.
You sir just made me spit my tea out. Originally Posted by MsElena
Did you spit it into the pot? or the kettle?
I know a provider who can spit her teeth out into the kettle. Then she starts to humm and those gums can make a grown man faint of pleasure! I have heard Miss Elena can equal that without dental tricks!! Miss E, the legend of your bj skills proceed you.
I'm flattered. Thanks SW

I'd like to think I'm pretty damn good.
12blue4u's Avatar
Yes it could have been handled a little more tactfully. Remember ladies you are coming at it with the big benefit of hindsight. I hate to say it but many of the newbies young or shall I say advanced seem to be not only technically and phone challenged but basic business etiquette. Which we could go further into but that is another conversation. Have a safe and happy fourth.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Plus we don't know if or what communication might have been exchanged via PM's. I think the mods were pretty nice to her in May, and it appears she really didn't want to learn how this board works. Getting verified is partly for our safety as well Blue. Originally Posted by farmstud60
FS60: If you don't mind I'd like to suggest that your last sentence read "everyone's safety".
The mods have a thankless job and frankly, at least the sr. northern midwest mod knows a good whiskey, usually has a sense of humor, and is more than fair. He should consider a road trip before the end of the year though.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Correction, never mind the road trip. Swimming in a grey mist counts.