Guys I think your write

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I see that some of the guys on here have questioned "Gwins003" one review on here.
I recieved a message from him today wanting to meet, after seeing the one review and nothing else I sent him the info I need for screening, in return he sent me this.

"Listen I have not asked for anything in not suppose to all I want is to be paid a hhr of your time and I will donate. Plain and simple my privacy is important to me."

I told him that he should watch how he treats people and that I was going to black list him, "Done"

In return I got this

" I think all those balls you've licked have an adverse effect on your social skills bitch. "

Not sure what his problem is but not one I want to find out about up close and personal.

Everyone becareful and screen like your life depends on it, cause it does.