Pet Peeve-Massage Reviews

Gypsy's Avatar
  • Gypsy
  • 03-13-2013, 11:03 AM
I just read another review of a massage provider where a responding poster throws in a random response that he recommends another massage provider. This happens in nearly all body rub or massage reviews. However, you really never see a response to a full service review like "Yea, but if you really want much better fs go see this girl" or "you thought that bbbj was good, you should really go to so and so for a better bj." These responses are off topic and disrespectful to the original poster and I believe the mods should not allow these types of responses. These are not ISO's but reviews and should be treated that way.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
yes that would piss me off if someone said that on one of my reviews too but its ok, hopefully people dont take those comments to heart as much as the OP does, or the girl being reviewed.
Reviews should be closed to commentary of any kind. No piling on, WK, BK, Bullshit, wasted bandwidth (I'd hit that), thanks for the intel, too bad...send the fucker or fuckee an attaboy PM if you want to. The review is about who was there and what "happened" in a fantasy (maybe). No other comment required or needed. Next.
People being people will respond with not on topic comments Or, they may feel it is relivant but others don't. Its part of an open forum. Ialso use the respones to a review to help judge teh accuricy of the review. If lots respond basicly valadating the review, then I give it more crediance. If many resonses to the review are negitiave, then I treat the revew with more doubt.

And, reviews should NOT be closed when posted. From time to time, people do post revelant information and elaborations. I will put up with all the BS to receive that one piece of information that might make a difference in me enjoying myself or wasting my time and money. I for one, do not want to cut off that flow of information. With an open board like this you have to take the good with the bad. Get used to it. It happens on every board and every topic. Not just here.

The mods are vollinteers and have enough to do without policing every comment. Nor do I want them deciding what I get to read and what I dont anymore than absolutly nessacery based on the broad guidelines of the site.

I agree 100%. I base my thoughts about a review as much by the comments, as the actual review. Especially in this day & age where reviewers think the review is about them and not the lady.

And while I have not necessarily been bothered as much as the OP regarding the basis of this thread, I have noticed a couple of comments in massage/body rub reviews that were out of line.

VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar

I agree 100%. I base my thoughts about a review as much by the comments, as the actual review. Especially in this day & age where reviewers think the review is about them and not the lady.

And while I have not necessarily been bothered as much as the OP regarding the basis of this thread, I have noticed a couple of comments in massage/body rub reviews that were out of line.

TC Originally Posted by tigercat
Old made very good points.
I agree with "Old" 100%! Sometimes you can get more relevant and valuable info from the comments and experiences of the majority, as well. The reviews are posted so we all can share and benefit here. By gypsy and phildo telling others not to make remarks or comments ate out of line to me. This is not Iran or some country where we have no right to free speech and expressive thoughts.
Gypsy's Avatar
  • Gypsy
  • 03-13-2013, 10:24 PM
I agree with "Old" 100%! Sometimes you can get more relevant and valuable info from the comments and experiences of the majority, as well. The reviews are posted so we all can share and benefit here. By gypsy and phildo telling others not to make remarks or comments ate out of line to me. This is not Iran or some country where we have no right to free speech and expressive thoughts. Originally Posted by AMP Surfer
My point was not to "not make comments" but keep comments on topic about the girl being reviewed. If you have another girl you like, start your own thread about her, don't just randomly toss her in a review about someone else.
Gypsy, your observation is good and your feelings are most likely shared by many including me. But, there is what we would like to happen and what does happen. There is not a really good solution. We can try to put a little peer preasure by chastising those who do post off topic but even that will have only modest impact and there are many who don't care what others think and will do what they want because they can. In fact, because there are some who get their jollies by pissing off others making an issue of it will only encourage them to do it more.

Unless the board owners decide its enough of an issue to focus resources (mods) on enforcing the off topic rules, it is just something we have to accept as part of having an open forum on the internet.

Sad but true
LazurusLong's Avatar
Well, if those ass clowns who HIJACK reviews to mention another provider have their posts reported, the staff member who responds can check if they are dong that over and over and the staff member could take corrective action.

As to the "additional relevant information" claim, sorry but if it is truly relevant, they can post their own review to share said info.
pyramider's Avatar
That would not work on two counts:

First, that would require actual work by the modtards

Second, in many forums the modtards are in the dogpile bumping the reviews.