Stupid Question!

Monkey Butt's Avatar
Being a business man I do not understand why providers set appointments no call and no show. When you pm them they ignore your pm. From reading on this site and others the providers get bent when it happens to them. A simple reply back saying sorry cant meet, don't want to any thing! Common manners would make the world a better place. Now I'm done with my silly rant and will continue on my quest.
Business answer: Supply & demand. She has the pussy you desire to occupy on an hourly basis. Just like American Airlines. You book a flight..[insert "fuck"]...bad weather [insert family matters like a "sick child"] happens, mechanical problems [insert "car problems"] pulls the plane [insert "pussy"] out of service. What do you do? I bet you schedule yourself on [in] another flight [pussy].

If enough people get fed up with Amercian Airlines' sloppy schedule then AA [the "Provider"] you're venting about] will either clean up its [her] act or go out of business [insert "work at a Denny's for shitty tips"].
There are so many places to go with "shitty tips" I don't even know where to start...

In response to the OP's mini rant - what cwby6 said. Plus, if you're REALLY wanting to fly, have a plan B (Southwest). It's always better to find an agreeable flight than to wander around the airport complaining/wondering/wishing for the one you missed. When you need to ride, get on another acceptable flight and go.

And if they're agreeable, you may even be able to pack their shit for them! (More shitty tip, anybody?)

Albeit there are a number of very professional providers out there, and they are worth finding, there are some that run their business like a government agency...stand in line, mess up your shit, send it to the wrong address, kill the line after holding for too see the correlation...
jbravo_123's Avatar
Just like in real life, some people don't run their businesses well?
melannie_star's Avatar
LOL.. I like this one
Guys, I have tickets to a first class flight right here (*)(*)

But on a serious note..
I wouldn't be able to run an airline without my passengers...
There for I do my best to make sure everyone is comfortable and pleased
If the flight is delayed for some reason,
communication is key lady's!!
LOL.. I like this one
Guys, I have tickets to a first class flight right here (*)(*)

But on a serious note..
I wouldn't be able to run an airline without my passengers...
There for I do my best to make sure everyone is comfortable and pleased
If the flight is delayed for some reason,
communication is key lady's!! Originally Posted by melannie_star
OMFG! Can I please get that seat all messy!!!!
well put TXCWBY. the short and long of it.. while some providers claim they have good business sense, BUT I have yet to meet one with any clue whatsoever...They sell pussy and make lots of money quick they could never make anywhere else, then they think they are smart business people and powerful and THAT is what gets 99% of them in trouble..
case in point: hobbyist-"id like to see you more often, but at your rate it is difficult to purge funds.."
provider: yeah but aren't I worth that much?.. you can give me a gift card, yada yada..
when she should say "OK I can do 50 less but you have to make it at least x times/month.
Not only does she keep him from seeing some of the lower priced talent and possibly lose his biz- she keeps all his biz and makes more at the end of the day.. yeah she has to work a little harder- but she makes MORE money...

I had a provider that did not want to go through my reviews to screen.. she was too busy.
OK understand, but as all business people know you can never have enough customers and what you are doing is a service business.. and not only by sucking my dick.
for me I am extremely busy- I run a multinational commodity company with offices in 3 international time zones..I like to have some on the side, but it has to be convenient, great service and no drama.. when it becomes a hassle I move on..plenty of talent out there
Hence the reason I posted my service in the business services section. Makes it easy to confirm appts and if a provider has an emergency, they can send a quick text to let the clients they have scheduled know.
pyramider's Avatar
I just take a deep breathe and relax. Taint nothing I can control so it taint worth the effort to get upset. Its all a part a taintra.
That too. I had a provider cancel on me last week because I'm a newbie even though I said I was a newbie in my request. After driving 100 miles one way to make the appt, it almost pissed me off. But what can you do?
Dandito's Avatar
It's not the fact that a provider had something come up that bothers me. Shit happens and I understand. It's the way they handle it after the fact that really matters.
If I get NCNS, but the lady sends a text or something later in the day to say sorry, I'm likely to reschedule with her no matter the reason.
When they NCNS me, then go radio silent and you never hear from them again, that just pisses me off. Are they too embarrassed, or think that if they ignore it long enough it's like it never happened? What they're really doing is losing a client for good.
Most of us are professional business types, and this type of behavior would never be tolerated in our world.

Here is something that anyone providing any service should always remember: It is never the problem that people remember, but rather how that problem was handled.
Maybe we should pass a similar message to a few hobbyists who give the rest of us a bad rep by setting appointments with plan A, plan B, and plan C then pick one and ncns the other 2.

NCNS is an ugly thing, but it's a two-edged sword.
melannie_star's Avatar
BOZ you make a very good point.

How come I am getting the feeling this is a mans convo.. ???

Any lady's going to back me up on this one..LOL
I must have to much time on my hands...

BTW txcwby6 yes, yes, and yes you can!!
SweetAterPie's Avatar
It's not the fact that a provider had something come up that bothers me. Shit happens and I understand. It's the way they handle it after the fact that really matters.
If I get NCNS, but the lady sends a text or something later in the day to say sorry, I'm likely to reschedule with her no matter the reason.
When they NCNS me, then go radio silent and you never hear from them again, that just pisses me off. Are they too embarrassed, or think that if they ignore it long enough it's like it never happened? What they're really doing is losing a client for good.
Most of us are professional business types, and this type of behavior would never be tolerated in our world.

Here is something that anyone providing any service should always remember: It is never the problem that people remember, but rather how that problem was handled. Originally Posted by Dan4424
I would rather not see the hole from which you pulled that nugget of wisdom from.
The phrase get a clue comes to mind.

Dandito's Avatar
I would rather not see the hole from which you pulled that nugget of wisdom from.
The phrase get a clue comes to mind.

Originally Posted by SweetAterPie
Then I must keep better company than you. Just referring to the gents I've met personally.