JJ NCNS - Lotta acronyms


So I sent a PM and a text to JJ on Friday around lunch time. We texted back and forth a bit and set up a 6:30 appointment. I told her Id call when I was headed that way and wed do the typical 2-call system. She agreed and it was on. At about 5:30 I got a call from a friend of mine who was in town from out of state....I told her about it and asked if she was available another time and she said yes...but then I decided to go ahead and put my friend on hold, make my appointment and go about my weekend. I talked to her on the phone, told her I was on my way and that if I got there early if she would be available, she said yes.

So I headed that way, taking back streets to avoid 635 traffic. I got about halfway and she texts me asking for references....bad timing but whatever. I send her two...one of the two contacts me and says she gave me a glowing reference. So I get to the area at 6:00, 30 minutes early. No biggie...I call, nothing. I find a place to camp and do some work....calling and texting every 10 mins or so. Nothing. This went on for an HOUR...until 7:00 when I gave up and went about my weekend. Still hadn't heard anything.

This morning after my comment, I got a text. I asked her what went wrong on Friday and she had no answer. Something about a toilet overflowing and making her phone act up. She apologized profusely, but never offered to make it up. Eventually (maybe 3:00?) I asked if she wanted to make it up to me tonight and she said yes but that she was tied up until after 4:30. I asked how shed make it up and never heard a word back since.

....So here I am. A long and convoluted pissed off NCNS story later.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
You should have put her whole handle in the title of this thread because someone (without clicking on the link obviously) contacted me while I was in Vegas thinking it was about me.

I was in Vegas for spring break weekend drinking by the pool of a really nice hotel... had an awesome time

Click on the link people LOL
I'm sorry I would never NCNS you baby!!