This is My New Screening System and Escort and Client Contract .. i will hold the hobbyist accoutable for actiions

ActionAngie's Avatar
Client Contract

I understand and agree to all of the following:

1. ActionAngie Personal Escort Service operates as a legal professional escort service, this is a escort service, No sexual activity is permitted. If a client tries to robs you are try to con you out of my pay ,I have a right to report it.I have the the right to leave a get a cancel fee.

2. All appointments must go through The ActionAngie Personal Escort Service For every new session, you must book it online using my ActionAngie Personal Registration Form

3. ActionAngie Personal Escort Service knows all appointment dates, times, and locations. I will check in before and after appointments to confirm they left safely with my personal assistant.

4. If My safety is at risk, I may carry a non-lethal personal defense item to defend themselves.

5. Payment for each session is due before the session use and sending the required amount of funds to or pay at the very start of your cuddle session.

6. If you cancel multiple appointments within 12 hours of a session and want another session in the future, you may be asked to prepay for the next session OR pay a $20 cancellation fee.

7. If you cancel within 2 hours of a session or don’t show up and want another session in the future, you must prepay for the next session online AND pay a $20 cancellation fee.

8. Cleanliness and adequate hygiene is required by both parties. This specifically includes showering/teeth brushed within 12 hours of the appointment, wearing freshly laundered clothing, and no (or minimal) perfume/cologne be worn by both parties unless requested.

9. The client agrees hereby to indemnify and hold harmless ActionAngie Personal Escort Services LLC from any and all claims by the client which may arise out of and in the course of the service. The client releases ActionAngie Personal Escort Services LLC from any liability.

10. No specific information regarding the client will ever be shared with another party outside of what is outlined in this agreement unless I, as the client, give written or e-mail permission to ActionAngie Personal Escort Service for a specific purpose.ActionAngie Personal Escort Service.

Secured Reservation &Verification

My preferred method of booking is through this Secured form – I prioritize emails and I am more motivated to respond to those with a serious intention that give me enough detail from the start. Your information is kept confidential. Your personal screening is handled with respect and discretion & only by your Truely. Verification is mandatory.

A secured Server Website, SiteLock protected. You will be corresponding only with me.

An Original Photo will be provided to you after Verification-to insure we are the right match
pyramider's Avatar
Good luck with that.
benover4me's Avatar
+1 pyramider
ActionAngie's Avatar
i will beleive that..your days of robbing conning lied to girls jewwing down girls are should be ashamed of your self if you do not beliving escorts have rights should be ashamed on how you treat your follow escorts..just cause your mad at the world does not give you right to lie rob con or jew them down or getting your follow hobbyiest to gang up on girls and take avantage of the escorts..karma is a b### ..if you want to make a differnce ask your favorite escort on how you can help..
like with there website, outfits ,or taking to learn on how to drive or take them to night school..tell her what a good job the escort how treating you..take her to self defense classes and c.p.r training or medition classes to help her cope with the streess of this job like i do.or have them read books like the joy of sex and courteasn in trainning.if you have atf get her nails feet and hair done a regular if she feels good about what is doing? when i go to school in fall to get my c.n.a training and massage license and my app that i created as well as escortreferal site that is already here that created ..i will not have to deal with woman beaters or woman user or jerks any more ..One more year..Then you Kiss the ring..
DNinja69's Avatar
This popcorn is yummy!
"Jewwing down girls," huh?

Stay classy. ��
ActionAngie's Avatar
Hiring a sex professional is the same as hiring any other professional, like a doctor, lawyer, or auto mechanic. You pay them money for a service. It doesn't matter what the service is: if you're nice to the professional, you generally get a better result than if you aren't. I treat sex professionals the same way I treat other professionals I hire. And like other professionals in my life, these women treat me as a valued customer and may even become friends of mine. They look forward to seeing me again, the same way any other professional likes to see their good clients come around.
For those away from home, getting together with a female for the length of your excursion will give a gratifying experience. When you like to enjoy a really fine time together with the date, the very first point you ought to know should be to treat her with consideration. The point that she will give you company and sex for money doesn’t necessarily mean that the escort is low class and can be assumed as much. These women recognize precisely what their clients may be like, and they can simply discern a person who has not ever hired an escort before.One can find particular unspoken principles to be recognized in order for everything to go without issues.

ActionAngie's Avatar
A properly drafted set of Terms and Conditions for an escort services business will cover a variety of things, including:
A clear scope of services;
How and when payment will be made;
What the clients’ obligations are e.g. following the reasonable directions of the escort, showering if so requested, warranting that they do not have any STIs, and not using force on the escorts;
What you are not liable for e.g. if the client suffers any health problems, or financial or reputational damage as a result of using the services; and
Rights for you to terminate and refuse services to a client under certain conditions e.g. the client being violent or uncooperative.
Operating an escort service is legal in America , but only if you operate your business in accordance with the laws and regulations of the state. Regulation of adult services and sex work is state-based, and if you are unsure of the applicable laws for your state, you should speak to a contract lawyer and seek advice. Contact
ActionAngie's Avatar
that you owe to your escorts and to your clients. To protect your business interests, we recommend having a full suite of legal documents drafted by experienced contract lawyers. If you already have certain documents in place, a contract lawyer will highlight any areas you may have missed or that need to be reviewed.
1. Privacy Policy and Manual
The Privacy Policy is between your business and each person that you collect personal information from – this may be your clients or your escorts. To comply with in America Escorts, a well-drafted Privacy Policy will set out what personal information your business collects, how this information will be used, and under what circumstances the information will be disclosed to third parties. This needs to be accessible on your website and wherever you collect personal information.
While your Privacy Policy is between you and the public, your Privacy Manual is an internal document between your business and your staff. It should set out clear procedures for your staff to follow to ensure that your business lawfully handles personal information as you say you do in your Privacy Policy.
2. Website Terms of Use
If you have a website, as many businesses do these days, you should have a Website Terms of Use. The Website Terms of Use will address important matters, such as intellectual property rights and limitation of liability for your website, and will clearly set out the permissible and prohibited uses of your website. For an escort service, your Website Terms of Use should also expressly state that visitors should be 18 years of age or older, and if they are not, they should leave the website immediately.
3. Contractor’s Agreement
A Contractor’s Agreement is the agreement between your business and your escorts. Your escorts agree to provide the services to your clients, and in return, you agree to pay a fee. As there are serious health risks involved in providing escort services, we recommend that you have this drafted by a contract lawyer. A good contract lawyer will be able to ensure that all the necessary obligations are covered, such as requiring the escort (and clients) to use protection at all times, to not be under the influence of illicit substances, to undergo regular sexual health checks, and to visually examine each client for STIs.
4. Employment Agreement and Staff Handbook
If you employ any person, whether it is an escort or a receptionist, you will need to have an Employment Agreement between you and your employee. The Employment Agreement will spell out the rights and obligations of each party, set out the remuneration for the employee, including superannuation payments and leave entitlements, and also how the relationship can be terminated.
particular, in the escort service industry, the Staff Handbook will need to cover issues relating to cleaning, hygiene and confidentiality of clients. Whilst the Staff Handbook is not a legally binding document, having your policies and procedures clearly set out will help minimise the chances of dispute between your business and your employees.
5. Client Terms and Conditions
The Terms and Conditions between your business and your clients create a legally binding agreement, provided that your clients had the opportunity to read the Terms and Conditions before using your services. If your services can be requested online, we recommend that you have a box with the Terms and Conditions to be scrolled through with a click-to-accept box, so that all your clients have to click a box that says, “I have read and I accept these Terms and Conditions”.
A properly drafted set of Terms and Conditions for an escort services business will cover a variety of things, including:
A clear scope of services;
How and when payment will be made;
What the clients’ obligations are e.g. following the reasonable directions of the escort, showering if so requested, warranting that they do not have any STIs, and not using force on the escorts;
What you are not liable for e.g. if the client suffers any health problems, or financial or reputational damage as a result of using the services; and
Rights for you to terminate and refuse services to a client under certain conditions e.g. the client being violent or uncooperative.
Operating an escort service is legal in America, but only if you operate your business in accordance with the laws and regulations of the state. Regulation of adult services and sex work is state-based, and if you are unsure of the applicable laws for your state, you should speak to a contract lawyer and seek advice. Contact LegalVision for a confidential conversation about your legal needs for your escort service.

About Priscilla Ng (Read all articles by Priscilla)
Priscilla is a lawyer at LegalVision. She currently practises in the areas of business and commercial law, intellectual property and employment law. In her past work experience, she practised in property law, family law, wills and estates, and civil litigation.
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escort service business
ActionAngie's Avatar
Yes you guys jew a girl down ..You guys want to break in a woman like a guys gang up on the girls you try to find away to get the girl to break..You guys gang up and try to find ways to get a girl to lower her rates and make the girl do you bareback ..You guys get together and say no we not respect your rules or rates then you guys get together to find ways to break the girl down..If rates are 300 you want 100 then you want bareback when 200 agree to this kind of treatment ..You want to control the market by making the girl lower her morals and pride so she can eat..So you guys will group together to make sure no one calls the girls till they are fighting over a 150 barebacking anal forced the girl to be a bad place..You guys get off on humiliation ,degrading,and taking advantage of the escort cause she a escort ,if she sayed in a hotel you threaten to call the hotel or the police ..You guys should be ashamed of you selves..And the escorts are the crazy ones No it's Ya'll just cause your mad at the world does give you the right to compromise the escorts rates rules and pride..
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 04-24-2017, 10:02 AM
Haggling is prevalent in almost every culture EXCEPT Americans. You don't think people shop around for the best price point on lawyers, or see what type of reduced costs one can work out with a doctor? Bitch please. Welcome to life. Use that slur again and I might point out your atrocious writing. -_-

You are one of those chicks who see a "easy cash" and think that it should pay for everything, including standard business operating costs..

Sure, we all like to be treated well. Treated to something nice and unasked for once in a while.. guess what- Men and women alike! I bet your esthetician isn't going to just give you a free wax no matter how many times you tip nicely and try to buy her friendship. Stop looking for handouts.

Feminist does NOT mean that women are on an effing pedestal and can treat men however they want. Not like atm's, not like servants(unless that is what they are paying for). You want the respect, give it.

Applause to you for taking so many steps to further your life. Reading books that immerse you into this whoring culture, self defense classes, cpr, getting a great beauty regimen working... hmm, funny, my completely civilian friends all do that for themselves, out of the paycheck they earn. Not looking for someone to take care of it for them. Also, all things I have done for myself.

I think it is awesome that you are going to mental health services. Too few women here have the luxury to do so. Whether it is because of no insurance or lack of funds. Campaign for solving it, not telling men who are customers of a service they should be providing it. Show women how to obtain and pay for their own insurance. Lobby/protest for healthcare changes.

You've done well to "make an app", although I kinda call bs on that. I highly doubt you code. Just given your writing above. I also wouldn't trust a screening app created by as unstable a chick as you to remain secure. Be it encryption or general security. I see a train wreck waiting to happen.

Who the fuck actually uses random legal bullshit they find online to protect or structure their business? Amateurs.

If your spine goes jello like this in a business where you do have the choice and power to run it how you want... maybe this isn't the life for you. Good luck getting any one of us to "kiss the ring".. or your ass for that matter. *shudder*

Edit- Men here don't FORCE anyone anything. In general, it is a lack of women banding together to help the new class of girls learn and get the confidence they need to run their own business. I have NOT had a single bad apple in years. Yes there are predators in this lifestyle, but there are also a LOT more well behaved gentlemen who do not treat ladies in any way other than respectful. I promise I am not hoarding them to myself. Women in general need to stop with the man hating if they aren't willing to point those fingers on their collective selves. Cash and dash, scams, flaky, no shows, scummy "boyfriends" hiding in the shower, "gotta take my driver* some money"... pahleeze.

You wanna fight for whores rights, join SWOP. Learn some politics. Brow beating on a hooker board that will reach only YOUR potential revenue stream is just silly.
joesmo888's Avatar
is this a parody thread?
cowboy8055's Avatar
Yes you guys jew a girl down ..You guys want to break in a woman like a guys gang up on the girls you try to find away to get the girl to break..You guys gang up and try to find ways to get a girl to lower her rates and make the girl do you bareback ..You guys get together and say no we not respect your rules or rates then you guys get together to find ways to break the girl down..If rates are 300 you want 100 then you want bareback when 200 agree to this kind of treatment ..You want to control the market by making the girl lower her morals and pride so she can eat..So you guys will group together to make sure no one calls the girls till they are fighting over a 150 barebacking anal forced the girl to be a bad place..You guys get off on humiliation ,degrading,and taking advantage of the escort cause she a escort ,if she sayed in a hotel you threaten to call the hotel or the police ..You guys should be ashamed of you selves..And the escorts are the crazy ones No it's Ya'll just cause your mad at the world does give you the right to compromise the escorts rates rules and pride.. Originally Posted by ActionAngie
You should see what guys have to deal with on BP
pyramider's Avatar
i will beleive that..your days of robbing conning lied to girls jewwing down girls are should be ashamed of your self if you do not beliving escorts have rights should be ashamed on how you treat your follow escorts..just cause your mad at the world does not give you right to lie rob con or jew them down or getting your follow hobbyiest to gang up on girls and take avantage of the escorts..karma is a b### ..if you want to make a differnce ask your favorite escort on how you can help..
like with there website, outfits ,or taking to learn on how to drive or take them to night school..tell her what a good job the escort how treating you..take her to self defense classes and c.p.r training or medition classes to help her cope with the streess of this job like i do.or have them read books like the joy of sex and courteasn in trainning.if you have atf get her nails feet and hair done a regular if she feels good about what is doing? when i go to school in fall to get my c.n.a training and massage license and my app that i created as well as escortreferal site that is already here that created ..i will not have to deal with woman beaters or woman user or jerks any more ..One more year..Then you Kiss the ring.. Originally Posted by ActionAngie

Please for the love of the baby Tebow show me where I have robbed or "jewwed" girls down. Also, please show me where I am mad at the world and take advantage of providers.
is this a parody thread? Originally Posted by joesmo888
Yes, but is it a clever parody of armchair lawyers or a clumsy parody of dumb whores with GPS?