movie fun

Movie tonight. Plano. Fun and a movie. Pm me. Looking at 10 or 10:50 time.
Ended up to short of notice. If interested in this kind of thing send me a message.
I think I got moved over here. I really wanted a session during a movie. Like high school all over again.
bored@home's Avatar
I think I got moved over here. I really wanted a session during a movie. Like high school all over again. Originally Posted by mydallas1
Well depending where you posted it originally it was likely wrong. If you are requesting this type of thing then it should be an ISO.
If pitching the idea as something to discuss between the groups and it IS hobby related it could fit coed otherwise it ends up in the sandbox catch all.
Guess I should have worded it better. Like put out call or something.
bored@home's Avatar
Guess I should have worded it better. Like put out call or something. Originally Posted by mydallas1
Sounds more and more like a Request / in search of ISO

Give it a shot there and see what you get.