EPA Draft Stirs Fears Of Radically Relaxed Radiation Guidelines

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Gina McCarthy, US President Barack Obama's nominee to run the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) oversaw the revision of the Protective Action Guide Manual

The acting EPA director on Friday signed a revised version of the EPA’s Protective Action Guide for radiological incidents, which critics say radically relaxes the safety guidelines agencies follow in the wake of a nuclear-reactor meltdown, dirty-bomb attack, or other unexpected release of radiation.

Although the document is a draft published for public comment, it takes effect as an “interim use” guideline. And according to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), that means agencies responding to radiation emergencies may permit many more civilian fatalities.

“In soil, the PAGs allow long-term public exposure to radiation in amounts as high as 2,000 millirems,” PEER advocacy director Kirsten Stade said in a press release. “This would, in effect, increase a longstanding 1 in 10,000 person cancer rate to a rate of 1 in 23 persons exposed over a 30-year period.”

The non-binding document does not relax EPA’s standards, the agency has said in response to the criticism. But it directs agencies responding to radiation releases to standards at other agencies that are less stringent than EPA. Douglas Guarino has the scoop at NextGov, a publication that follows technology and government:

The new version of the guide released Friday does not include such dramatically relaxed guidelines in its text, but directs the reader to similar recommendations made by other federal agencies and international organizations in various documents. It suggests that they might be worth considering in circumstances where complying with [EPA's] own enforceable drinking water regulations is deemed impractical….

For example, the new EPA guide refers to International Atomic Energy Agency guidelines that suggest intervention is not necessary until drinking water is contaminated with radioactive iodine 131 at a concentration of 81,000 picocuries per liter. This is 27,000 times less stringent than the EPA rule of 3 picocuries per liter.

via EPA Relaxes Public Health Guidelines For Radiological Attacks, Accidents – Nextgov.com.

That EPA rule was designed for a lifetime of exposure, the IAEA guideline for short-term exposure.

The document was signed Friday by acting EPA Administrator Bob Perciasepe, but it developed under the Bush Administration and was revised under the supervision of Obama’s nominee for the top EPA post, Gina McCarthy, who has headed EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation since 2009. McCarthy faces a confirmation hearing before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on Thursday.

EPA spokeswoman Julia Valentine told the Global Security Newswire that the agency “is not weakening cleanup standards,” but “building a bridge between managing the effects of a catastrophe and meeting existing environmental standards.” EPA updated the document to bring the science to current standards and to give agencies more guidance and flexibility in the wake of a catastrophe than a reiteration of EPA’s standards.

In a notice published Friday, Perciasepe states:

The 2013 PAG Manual is not a legally binding regulation or standard and does not supersede any environmental laws; PAGs are not intended to define “safe” or “unsafe” levels of exposure or contamination. This guidance does not address or impact site cleanups occurring under other statutory authorities such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Superfund program, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) decommissioning program, or other federal or state cleanup programs. As indicated by the use of non-mandatory language such as “may,” “should” and “can,” the 2013 Manual only provides recommendations and does not confer any legal rights or impose any legally binding requirements upon any member of the public, states, or any other federal agency. Rather, the 2013 PAG Manual recommends projected radiation doses at which specific actions may be warranted in order to reduce or avoid that dose. The 2013 PAG Manual is designed to provide flexibility to be more or less restrictive as deemed appropriate by decision makers based on the unique characteristics of the incident and the local situation.

The full draft “PAG Manual” is available here (pdf).

Source: Forbes

Safety: Jaczko Calls for Phaseout in US, Says Plants Aren't Safe

Friday, March 29, 2013


Former Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Chairman Gregory Jaczko says that the current fleet of operating plants in the US should be phased out because regulators can't guarantee against an accident causing widespread land contamination. In two key decisions last week Jaczko said the agency "damaged significantly" its international reputation for upholding safety and he accused the five commissioners of "just rolling the dice" in dealing with severe accidents.

Source: Nuclear Intelligence Weekly

Study: 28% Increase In Thyroid Problems In Babies Born After Fukushima In Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon And Washington
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Isn't science amazing? We are now able to withstand more radiation than ever before! Incredible! Thank you, Mr. President!

[sarcasm alert]
Read the report on the radioactive apartment building in Taiwan before you scream about radiation again.

This was an accidental large-scale human test of what we thought we knew about the effects of radiation exposure.

Figure 1 in the report tells most of the story quite graphically.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Everything we thought we knew may well be VERY wrong.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Jesus Christ, you people want less/no regulation but you bitch when someone, especially Obama, allegedly relaxes regulations. Gives renewed meaning to "damned if you do, damned if you don't"

Isn't radiation a scary word? Turns out we bathe in radiation of one sort or another every day (and most nights). As long as it isn't ionizing radiation, we CAN withstand more (or at least as much which is a hell of a lot) than every before. If most of you. especially you COG, had a clue about anything scientific it might be evidence you had a brain (then again maybe not). Watch out for vampires and zombies too!!!!!
Kim Jong Un better not nuke us else he's gonna be in troublllllleee with new EPA bitch! What happened to the old EPA bitch? Oh, that's right she resigned but not in disgrace thanks to a complicit media.
Isn't radiation a scary word? Turns out we bathe in radiation of one sort or another every day (and most nights). As long as it isn't ionizing radiation, we CAN withstand more (or at least as much which is a hell of a lot) than every before. Originally Posted by austxjr
You too, dude.

Read the far-east fuckup report. That's the most accurate way I can characterize what happened. Someone fucked up ROYALLY, and, as a result, we got a large-scale human trial on the effects of long-term low-level ionizing radiation exposure.

Read the report for the details. They're all in there.
JCM800's Avatar
Everything we thought we knew may well be VERY wrong. Originally Posted by Sidewinder
that can be applied to just about any topic.
SEE3772's Avatar
bojulay's Avatar
Doesn't Biden's hair seem to be glowing just a little bit.

Or is that just his brain trying to throw off the stupid.

ha ha ha ha
bojulay's Avatar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCRZxorkF3c Originally Posted by SEE3772
Ann is radioactively hot.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Ann is radioactively hot. Originally Posted by bojulay
but these Fox reporters are even hotter, how could anybody not watch Fox

JCM800's Avatar
but these Fox reporters are even hotter, how could anybody not watch Fox

http://www.foxnewsgirls.com/Fox_News...l#.UWobRbXvtQ0 Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

Attachment 209158
that can be applied to just about any topic. Originally Posted by JCM800
You too.

Read the paper.