Prayer's for Paris

Emmie's Avatar
  • Emmie
  • 11-13-2015, 09:02 PM
I find that it is too painful to focus on the suffering and loss of my fellow human beings and so I must focus on those who are helping them.

There will always be hate in this world BUT there will also always be LOVE.

Prayers for Paris tonight. Especially for the first responders who are brave enough to run TOWARDS danger to help those in need. ❤️
arealwingdinger's Avatar
I say we help the monsters behind this to meet their maker. We need to stop dicking around and kill some bad guys.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
Yeah this shit is out of control. A lot of things are just loony these days. College kids protesting about the "rampant racism" and the lack of healthcare ins as well as needing to pay tuition? WTF? Who the fuck is filling people with these crazy ideas. Protest without having any idea how any of this stuff should happen. And that brings me up to the horrible massacre in Paris. WTF? Can't fight something that brings the craziness into anybody who uses their religion for a crusade. ISlamophobia? What does that mean anymore? I'm not calling people to start looking at your muslim friends funny but really... it makes you wonder who is going to go on a mass killing.

Yeah people will start equating our mentally ill racist white idiots who go on a killing spree but the damage is a lot less than what these Islamic shitheads have done so far this year at least. Yes the mentally ill retards are a problem but I really don't see a common thread with those idiots other than the fact some people are plain crazy enough who have no respect for human life.

These Islamic terrorists believe they're doing the greater good and believe they are good muslims in carrying out these acts. And there appears to be quite a good number who are easily influenced in thinking this way. Similar how idiotic the left-wing college kids are. Dunno where reason went but I guess this isn't the world I was born in anymore. WTF is this? I dunno. The POTUS still can't name the problem. So I'm quite sure the problem will continue to persist for years to come.

Hopefully I'm wrong and these attacks will be prevented in the future. Identifying the jihadists will be key. Their numbers will likely be growing rather than dwindling.
Emmie's Avatar
  • Emmie
  • 11-14-2015, 07:47 AM
I'm going to try really hard to be politically correct, but I am not going to promise anything. I have a HUGE problem with you comparing TERRORISTS to NONVIOLENT college students. I also don't condone you grouping a whole race or religious group together. Not every Muslim person is a terrorist, period! So if you want to spew your BIGOTRY and RACIST views please do so OFF of my thread. For someone who portrays themselves as such an educated man, you sound real damn stupid to me!!!
Sad thing about this was France was on heighten alert since the last attack .......
RocketSurgeon's Avatar
Emmie, actually the entitled Mizzou student protesters are upset that Paris is taking away from their own media circus. Look at some of their tweets ...
Emmie's Avatar
  • Emmie
  • 11-14-2015, 11:37 AM
I'm not saying those tweets are right or wrong, what I am saying is that they're not TERRORISTS!
RocketSurgeon's Avatar
I'm not saying those tweets are right or wrong, what I am saying is that they're not TERRORISTS! Originally Posted by Emmie
Aah, ok. I agree with you.
There are over 1.5 BILLION practicing Muslims in the world.

How many Muslim terrorists do you think there are -- a few thousand, 10,000?

To condemn every one who worships Islam as a terrorist is wrong.
Emmie's Avatar
  • Emmie
  • 11-14-2015, 12:15 PM
There are over 1.5 BILLION practicing Muslims in the world.

How many Muslim terrorists do you think there are -- a few thousand, 10,000?

To condemn every one who worships Islam as a terrorist is wrong. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
A2theb2thec's Avatar
I'm going to try really hard to be politically correct, but I am not going to promise anything. I have a HUGE problem with you comparing TERRORISTS to NONVIOLENT college students. I also don't condone you grouping a whole race or religious group together. Not every Muslim person is a terrorist, period! So if you want to spew your BIGOTRY and RACIST views please do so OFF of my thread. For someone who portrays themselves as such an educated man, you sound real damn stupid to me!!! Originally Posted by Emmie
Umm.. Last time I checked, there were no rules about who can post where. And if you read my post more thoroughly. I was broadening up my perspective of the world as a whole saying lots of crazy shit is happening. Many things are happening that I wouldn't have thought possible are happening. America is turning more socialist. I believe our country had some fundamentsl issues about government being too controlling or am I wrong?

I never compared the two COMPLETELY different topics. Please read carefully before spewing preconceived thoughts. I understand you're a left winger but don't go talking like your views are the only ones that exist or ever correct.

I just never thought the students would be acting like the occupiers but it seems we can start guessing the trend these days. The divide is happening. Poor against rich. Left against right. Whites against everybody else. I am not on any of these sides. I just want what is practical and the best for everybody. But everybody is all me me me me me.... It's fucking sickening.

Again I've never compared the two groups AT all. This is the same shit Dr. Ben Carson goes through. I understand why but it would piss people off if they knew. Suffice it to say people hear what they want to hear not what is really said.

It's kind of ironic that someone as nice as you purpot yourself to be you would be so close minded and ready to cast judgement/negative impression on others when given trigger words. And I being pretty much the asshole keeping my mind open about other people's ideas even the most controversial. Strange world we live in.

Thanks for branding me a racist/bigot. Those words used to mean something but have now been rendered near completely meaningless thanks to the fact that they are given as much as gifts are on Christmas. I'm not putting the onus on the left as you might think. I'm putting that on everybody.

Understand the difference between logic and illogical stereotyping. I never meant any insult of the religion if I gave that impression. I'm just a tad disturbed by a religion that has been in conflict with others since its origin. And is in fact the reason for nearly all terroristic actions including the worst we have ever known.

There are over 1.5 BILLION practicing Muslims in the world.

How many Muslim terrorists do you think there are -- a few thousand, 10,000?

To condemn every one who worships Islam as a terrorist is wrong. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
Let me know when you can distinguish the two. And we'd all love to know so we can prevent another massacre like 9/11 and this current Paris shit that should never have happened. Fucking disgusted with that. For me its 9/11 over again. Now it's 11/13. Argh assholes.
There are over 1.5 BILLION practicing Muslims in the world.

How many Muslim terrorists do you think there are -- a few thousand, 10,000?

To condemn every one who worships Islam as a terrorist is wrong. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
1. Read the Koran cover to cover.
2. Study the history of Islam
3. Learn who Charles Martel was.
4. Learn when and why the Dome of the Rock was built.
5. Research the Treaty of Tripoli, who signed it, and why it was necessary.

Then we will have a conversation about Islam.

I will give you the Cliff's Notes version. Islam has not changed in its entire history. It will never change. Islam was conceived in violence, spread by violence, and lives by violence. It always has. It always will. In our more than 200 year history as a nation, we have attempted since our earliest days to live peacefully with Muslims. It cannot be done. Not today, tomorrow, or a millennium from now.

Yes, I do condemn an entire religion based not on the actions of a few, but on the actions of the majority. There are only 2 kinds of Muslims. Those who murder, and those who pay lip service to peace, while supporting those who murder. There are no other kinds.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
I'm going to try really hard to be politically correct, but I am not going to promise anything. I have a HUGE problem with you comparing TERRORISTS to NONVIOLENT college students. I also don't condone you grouping a whole race or religious group together. Not every Muslim person is a terrorist, period! So if you want to spew your BIGOTRY and RACIST views please do so OFF of my thread. For someone who portrays themselves as such an educated man, you sound real damn stupid to me!!! Originally Posted by Emmie
There are over 1.5 BILLION practicing Muslims in the world.

How many Muslim terrorists do you think there are -- a few thousand, 10,000?

To condemn every one who worships Islam as a terrorist is wrong. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
1. Read the Koran cover to cover.
2. Study the history of Islam
3. Learn who Charles Martel was.
4. Learn when and why the Dome of the Rock was built.
5. Research the Treaty of Tripoli, who signed it, and why it was necessary.

Then we will have a conversation about Islam.

I will give you the Cliff's Notes version. Islam has not changed in its entire history. It will never change. Islam was conceived in violence, spread by violence, and lives by violence. It always has. It always will. In our more than 200 year history as a nation, we have attempted since our earliest days to live peacefully with Muslims. It cannot be done. Not today, tomorrow, or a millennium from now.

Yes, I do condemn an entire religion based not on the actions of a few, but on the actions of the majority. There are only 2 kinds of Muslims. Those who murder, and those who pay lip service to peace, while supporting those who murder. There are no other kinds. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Wow... Fuck politically correct. You ma'am are no hooktard. I should learn more about Islam not to convert... I hate organized religion in general not like an atheist but just I don't like conforming and confining my views. But it is good to learn what the hell we are dealing with.

History gives us the tools to make informed decisions not those made on prejudice or our fear of being called bigots. You need to know what the problem is to deal with it. Hindsight is 20/20. If you don't remember the past you're doomed to repeat it.

Like I have said and Sins made it infinitely more clear there is something inherently wrong with Islam or we wouldn't be even talking about it. If you don't think this is true give another reason why this religion seems to be the common denominator in so many more horrible acts than other current religions. If you compare it to the inquisition or so called Christian slavery as our esteemed POTUS has it just shows how troubling our foundation is and how far if a reach we have to make. Slavery isn't a Christian invention. It was used EVERYWHERE and still used today in some parts of the undeveloped world. May be some Muslims still own slaves. I dunno.

Hey I'd like to believe everybody wants peace but sadly not everybody believes in peace. Peace can only be had when one has the bigger stick. Ironic.
Yes, I do condemn an entire religion based not on the actions of a few, but on the actions of the majority. There are only 2 kinds of Muslims. Those who murder, and those who pay lip service to peace, while supporting those who murder. There are no other kinds. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Sorry but I strongly disagree. The "majority" of Muslims would be 750 million people, and there are not 750 million people committing terrorist acts, nor 750 million people supporting terrorist acts.

According to your logic "ALL Muslims support those who murder". So all of the following AMERICAN MUSLIMS are terrorists or support terrorists?

Keith Ellison, MN Congressman
Jawed Karim, Co-Founder of YouTube
Farooq Katwari, CEO of Ethan Allen Furniture

Casey Kasem, late famous DJ
Ice Cube, rapper
Jermaine Jackson
Mehmet Oz, TV doctor
coolsperman's Avatar
Following the tragic events of yesterday in Paris, there will be a gathering in solidarity with France, our families and French friends and other individuals who are the victims of or affected by these attacks.
When: Sunday November 15 - 3:30pm
Where: on the U shaped esplanade in front of the National World War I Museum and Memorial.
...Join us, with flags and candles, and bring your friends