No Christmas in Virginia VA

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
According to Dumars the White House is emaculate but it has come to light that the VA in Washington has decided that the traditional Merry Christmas greeting will not be used in at least one Virginia VA hospital.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
I'm not sure why that's such a big deal. Christmas is whatever. But it may harken a trend.. I dunno. I have never been religious or very spiritual and I really never had the Christmas spirit. But I would hate for the character of the nation to be lost in the spirit of multiculturalism... this country will be a hodge-podge mess of political correctness and holidays that mean shit. And everybody too afraid to step on one nother's toes les someone cries racism/bigotry/sexism/hatred towards the gays or what have you...

If you are alluding to the trend of fuck we don't know who the fuck we are anymore, then I hear you. America has fucking lost its way a while back when it started losing its backbone. Surprised how Obama made short work of the US in such a short period of time. Congrats, Obama... you have the shitty America you always dreamed of.

Am I wrong?
He must have made Starbucks to rid it's cups of anything Christmas also. Plus all the stores saying "Happy Holidays"
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I'm not sure why that's such a big deal. Christmas is whatever. But it may harken a trend.. I dunno. I have never been religious or very spiritual and I really never had the Christmas spirit. But I would hate for the character of the nation to be lost in the spirit of multiculturalism... this country will be a hodge-podge mess of political correctness and holidays that mean shit. And everybody too afraid to step on one nother's toes les someone cries racism/bigotry/sexism/hatred towards the gays or what have you...

If you are alluding to the trend of fuck we don't know who the fuck we are anymore, then I hear you. America has fucking lost its way a while back when it started losing its backbone. Surprised how Obama made short work of the US in such a short period of time. Congrats, Obama... you have the shitty America you always dreamed of.

Am I wrong? Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
I find your post offensive!
which means(in the USA) that the gubment should take it down and not allow anyone to post anything that contains facts or opinions

now I'm off to my meal which is of the same thinking
A2theb2thec's Avatar
IS that ice? Looks yummy.

What's been happening in the news with how fucked up the media is reporting shit these days and the republican circus as well as the shit happening with universities, huge blow up of police brutality problems, radical Islamic terror, and the economy tanking...

USA is fucked up... hopefully we straighten out the shitheads.