Free sports broadcasts?

Topic for discussion:
Should any collage or univeristy that receives any taxpayer funds be required to make any sports broadcasts avialible for free to the public? If public funds help with the bottom line, what does the public get in return?

Same for pro sports. Should they have to make available free broadcasts if they take public money for statiums, etc

Does not have to be broadcast tv. Could be streaming services, for example
billw1032's Avatar
An interesting question. In the case of the NFL I'm not sure the teams actually receive any taxpayer money directly. AT&T Stadium, for example, is owned by the city of Arlington, and the Cowboys are just listed as the Operator. Presumably they pay rent, but I would be willing to bet that they got a VERY good deal on their contract to be the Operator. You might amend your proposal to take that into account, but the owners are very crafty dudes when it comes to protecting their bottom line and I'm sure their lawyers would get to work on finding a solution right away.

As for colleges and universities, do you really mean ANY taxpayer money? Practically every one of them in the U.S. receives some kind of taxpayer funds. Aside from State schools like UT, A&M, UNT, Texas Tech, and so forth which are designed to be taxpayer subsidized, virtually every school has some kind of funding for scholarships or research grants which trace back to State or Federal taxpayer funds. So that would probably include every institution of higher education in the country, if that's what you meant. Probably many of them wouldn't be very interesting to watch, but it would be interesting to see how it would be implemented.

College football doesn't really interest me any more anyway, and it seems it just isn't what it used to be. Very few even pretend that the players are there for an education. IMHO it's time for the NFL to just form a minor league like baseball with AAA, AA, and A divisions. Of course the universities would squawk because they would lose a stream of income, but it seems to me completely divorced from what a university is supposed to be about anyway. Just my opinion, and worth what you paid for it.
Of course professional sports team benefit from public money being spent. They get tax deferments, public money helps build the stadium they play in for example. The hope for the local community is the presence of the team brings more revenue to the area that more than offsets the up front costs.

Say for example, I get a room in Arlington and pay $13 fee because of the stadium. I don't live in Arlington and I don't directly benefit from the sports teams playing there. Yet my money supports them. Since they have priced attendance to a game way outside what a typical family can pay, should they be giving more back in the form of some way to see the game free?

Sves all your probke.s, watch jyst about any ppv or sport in the world free