barebacking how the hell do you do it

read some of these reviews and im amazed how many admit they go bareback. when I go with a condom I can't wait to go the bathroom and scrub my Johnson clean lol.. thats the first I check for when I pull to make sure the rubber didn't break.. any body have bad experiences with a rubber breaking or barebacking in there career.. I guess it doesn't help im germophiapic too lol... don't even like using public shitters lol
I've admitted to a time or two heat of the moment mid stripper slide sort of thing when I first started. I've never had the condom break while hobbying (i did twice in one session with a girl i was seeing one time, it was weird).

No bad experiences. I did freak out and get tested for the next year fairly regularly. But nothing came of it.
some of thesefucks wanna go bareback. I don't understand it.. unless they have something and have nothing to lose..
theres one provider that advertises on skip the games.. won't post her link im sure you know who she is used to advertise bb even on greek...she bounces all over the from city to city..... will say her last ad looks like she is losing weight..used to think she looked like a pig.. she smarted up doesn't post bareback is an option but lets face it is
Rebecca or whatever name she goes by. Amsterdam, Albany, Toga. Got busted a couple times. Advertises for it. A few providers do although I only know of her as being real, the rest are unknowns.

Ive talked to a few girls about it and more often than not, men ask.
When i took my very 1st client ever ,he asked to bbfs.. I said no( knowing what i know now from all my life and hobby experiences , i would have just left and never saw him at all).. He got me in doggie after some mish and took him a sec to put in and it felt diff ,while he had his hands on my ass i could feel one in a fist.. So i reached down and ran my finger from base of his shaft to as far out as he thrust and didnt feel rubber.. He took it off without my consent.. I jumped up.. Flipped out,telling him how he violated me, crying the WHOLE TIME.. He kept trying to apologize as i Got dressed.. I told him i was taking the money and leaving, that he was lucky i didnt make a call to have him beat up for the violation..Took money and left.. He contacted me for months trying to make amends but how can u make amends for such blatant disrespect..
I got tested monthly for a lil over a yr as many std's can lay dormant.
Thankfully all was well..

I have learned many valuable lessons in this hobby. Talking to the ladies too has saved me from mistakes also..
I will ALWAYS GO ABOVE AND BEYOND TO HELP A LADY.. Even those who have wronged me, lied about me, tried to steal my business , tried to befriend me to learn things about me (which im not so trusting so they HAD to lie) and tried to hurt me maliciously.. I wont let someone with low character or no morals change WHO i am..

Most here are amazing, there are always a few rotten apples anywhere u go tho.. Thats what makes this board so helpful.. U can see how ppl are before u meet or choose not to meet bc of what u see in the character or lack there of...

Stay safe, stay sweet , stay sexy !!!!
Where I used to live, on that other site our city had a forum/blog down at bottom of page for bareback. Not the most active, but not dormant either. Guys basically posting about women who supposedly allow it. Was going to post to ask if they insane but figured that just gonna get me flamed. Had one provider who had seen a few times but must have been smoking her candy b4 I got there, tells me she prefers bb. Needless to say, that last time I ever saw her. Nice woman tho, I hope she still walking this earth...
One of the senior member used to fuck the girls in bare, he was super active and used to post the reviews more frequently. Now He disappeared from the review sites, hope he is ok? Few girls (jesse from troy, Bbw Arianna Schenectady etc) really love to bbfs with him. I came to know this shit from these girls and I stopped seeing them.
While there are no guarantees in life, if you are looking to avoid girls who offer bbfs to some clients, I would think that girls who only do CBJ would be your best best. If they won’t put an uncovered dick into their mouth, what are the chances she’s going to let you fuck her raw? Again, it’s not a sure thing, but you are certainly going to minimize your risk.

Also, depending on your personal situation, there my be things worse than STDs. I was speaking with a provider recently (who asked me not to review her btw) and one of her friends would give in to mongers who wanted bbfs, and she ended up with a bun in the oven. Long story short, she kept the baby and was able to narrow down the potential dads. One was a different race, one was snipped, so that left lucky contestant #3 with the prize of 18 years of child support. Thankfully for me, I had only seen that girl once and it was for a BJ, so nobody came knocking at my door lol.
Hey jimmie john mead... I think ol' jimmie 300 is still alive and kickin and screwin everything in sight…. often times on the first date...
One of the senior member used to fuck the girls in bare, he was super active and used to post the reviews more frequently. Now He disappeared from the review sites, hope he is ok? Few girls (jesse from troy, Bbw Arianna Schenectady etc) really love to bbfs with him. I came to know this shit from these girls and I stopped seeing them. Originally Posted by John.mead83
Damn.. in his reviews he always made it a point to state that he covered up
I think it's kind of a common knowledge/known fact that a majority of the run of the mill STG level girls will bbfs. If not on the first date than with the second. If you are a regular most default to it. Ive been offered countless times (and reported on the offers openly, which i turned down). It's part of the hobby, have to tread carefully. It's why I don't DATY, at all. Literally all of them are taking it bare, if not from mongers then from various other men in their lives.
Back in college in Arizona when I first started hobbying 30 years ago, I had a condom break on a car date with a really cute Latina. Got the clap...of course. After that, I've been a BBBJCFS guy.

However, in the past year in the Albany metro area I had a really unique experience with a very wonderful provider who on our first date, after BBBJ, mounted me and just put me inside her. I hadn't asked for that or anything...just put me in her like she actually wanted it in there. I came in like seconds it felt so good. I continued to see her and do our dates that way. I even hung out with her on non-"date" dates a few times.

I don't know how/if she knew she was clean and how/if I was clean (which I am), but we never ran into any issues.

Guess I was just lucky.
I couldn’t go BB
To dangerous to pitch io catch live for another day