Does a lack of sex contribute to your promiscuity? Would more sex (assuming quality was OK) make you monogamous?

Whispers's Avatar
How many times have you heard a guy say or read some guy writing that he fools around because he does not get it or doesn't get it often enough at home?

There are certainly a lot here that will say they P4P for the variety.....

From my experience talking to most guys it is about quantity or variety....

not often about quality......

How bad does a blowjob have to be for a guy to fool around if his wife fucks or sucks him every night?.......

Just as often when I've heard a guy say he doesn't get "enough" I've heard women say it wouldn't matter HOW much they gave him.... he would still fool around.....

Some of the most popular ladies tend to be those that take the time and put in the effort to "squeeze every last drop they can" out of the client.... They are not the rose petals on the bed romantic music in the backgorund gals.... They are the "fuck me now.. fuck me harder.... fuck me again types"......

Lately I see more guys talking about as well as spending less for less time..... obviously trading quality and the overall experience for value..... getting all they can out of a 20 minute or 30 minute session....

or is for quantity?

If they HAVE the money for a longer more sensual and relaxing experience...... often they seem to opt for 2 separate sessions knowing they are not going to come more than X times in X period of time anyway.....

What do you choose when presented the option.....Quality or quantity?

Does Quantity bring you back more often than quality?
If I can't afford at least an hour , I don't go. Not sure I'm looking for it to be more sensual and less sex. For me I would say its more 1 hr version of choice #2.
I want an indelible memory of that ass, that stomach, those eyes looking up at me with her mouth full. Can't get that in a quickie BJ... not that I'd turn a BJ down from a hot chick... Just sayin, if I had a choice, give me the slow ride.
Ranchhand's Avatar
At my age its the quality over the quantity every time.
long dates are my specialty. I love to spend one on one like the real GFE. you get the real feel about your companion. Quickies are okay but not fun, i like to get to know the person first to find a connection. just my opinion...quality is defff better =]
I only see a very select few providers, I don't see girls I only see women. I see women because I appreciate quality and the gorgeous ladies that I do see provide me with an abundance of quality. I'll call a busty, horny MILF before a skinny 20 something every time, just my thing I guess...
Budman's Avatar
Lack of sex at home is not an issue. My SO wants it all the time. I just like and need the variety. There is something about strange that I can't live without. Even the process of hunting for the next piece is exciting. Many times it is not even strange because I have an ATF but it is different. Our time together is all about fun. The everyday bullshit does not get in the way.
budman33's Avatar
The economic times may be driving people towards shorter sessions but not me, 1-3 hours is the best. then it isn't a Chinese firedrill of positions. next, ok next, ok next, and here comes the money shot. no thanks.
Budman's Avatar
I don't think the title of this thread and the poll go together. The title asked if we got more sex at home would we be monogamous. In my case the answer is no.

The poll ask would we prefer less sex or more sex depending on session length. You also throw in quanity versus quality which I don't think are mutually exclusive. Personally I would much rather have 4- one hour sessions as opposed to 1- four hour session. Hell 8- 1/2 hour sessions are great as well.

If my hobby funds were unlimited then longer sessions would be great because I could have them whenever I wanted. But the truth is I like to have sex more frequently than my hobby funds allow and so I make my dollars go as far as possible.
Whispers's Avatar
I don't think the title of this thread and the poll go together. Originally Posted by Budman
I agree.... My thoughts were rather jumbled and what I thought were different subjects to me at the moment became intertwined as I typed the OP.

Part of it has to do with frequency vs monogamy..... Can sheer quantity overcome a lack of quality? e

Then my thoughts moved to quality replacing quantity...... If I am totally sated from a stellar encounter do I care if I get more later? Or do I just want more of what I got.....

I'll rethink it and try to clear it up.
  • BFE
  • 01-14-2012, 06:51 PM
For a guy being in the hobby, this is going to sound stupid, but it is not just about the sex. And the "session" starts way long before you get to the door.
nutinmuch's Avatar
I've been married a long time and get none at all at home. I stay for the rest of the family who think everything is perfect...She doesn't need it, doesn't want it, has no interest in it, and doesn't even want to talk about it. So, my only outlet, without having an affair, is to hobby. I decided a long time ago that I was not going to live without sex, so I take care of it,, I will never be! Lol
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
How many times have you heard a guy say or read some guy writing that he fools around because he does not get it or doesn't get it often enough at home?
Not as much as I hear...."she isnt into it anymore, she is disabled, we have grown too comfortable to the point that is has become mundane, uninteresting, not exciting, she doesnt like it anymore, sex is different in the past few years with her and thus uneventful"....and the list goes on. --KKA

There are certainly a lot here that will say they P4P for the variety.....
That is the number one reason I feel they do so....and that is what I have learned in sexual psyh. about the male gender. The differences between the genders on this specific topic vary greatly. --KKA

From my experience talking to most guys it is about quantity or variety....
From what I have witnessed and heared from in and out of the biz- With younger guys- quantity and variety. More mature men, it is about quality, and I would say middle-aged men and up also variety. --KKA

not often about quality......

How bad does a blowjob have to be for a guy to fool around if his wife fucks or sucks him every night?.......

Just as often when I've heard a guy say he doesn't get "enough" I've heard women say it wouldn't matter HOW much they gave him.... he would still fool around.....

Some of the most popular ladies tend to be those that take the time and put in the effort to "squeeze every last drop they can" out of the client.... They are not the rose petals on the bed romantic music in the backgorund gals.... They are the "fuck me now.. fuck me harder.... fuck me again types"......

Lately I see more guys talking about as well as spending less for less time..... obviously trading quality and the overall experience for value..... getting all they can out of a 20 minute or 30 minute session....

or is for quantity?

If they HAVE the money for a longer more sensual and relaxing experience...... often they seem to opt for 2 separate sessions knowing they are not going to come more than X times in X period of time anyway.....

What do you choose when presented the option.....Quality or quantity?

Does Quantity bring you back more often than quality? Originally Posted by Whispers

My replies are in red above.

@Whispers - Nice Thread.

My SO rejected me once too often. I cut her off, and that was years ago. No sex from me after that point.

It took me a while after that to realize that I deserved sex. I only hobby on the road, and I travel a lot, so I don't develop ATFs. I'm mostly a serial hobbyist, not seeing the same provider twice.

Initially, it wasn't about quality or variety...just getting laid.

These days I've narrowed down my preferences so I can narrow down the list of desirable ladies I might possibly see. It's a combination of attitude, intelligence, and, of course, looks and sensuality. Skillz play a role, but minor. I'm easy when it comes to the physical.
Whispers's Avatar
Initially, it wasn't about quality or variety...just getting laid. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
That drove me for a lot over the years.... I am a workaholic and have a very high sex drive....

At times I simply feel the NEED to get laid..... I am usually very focused and productive right afterwards.....