How is everyone doing?

ClaireBarsett's Avatar
Because of my civilian job, dealing with the public, every day, I've refused to see anyone for the fear of passing the infection, should I get it from one of the many sick customers that come in to my job. Thankfully, escorting for me has been a way to make extra money, not my sole income.

I haven't posted much in the Jacksonville forum, less now that this virus has hit. I'm just kinda lurking on the forums. I'm mainly on Twitter now, selling pictures and videos. It's going okay, can't complain, feel free to follow me if you are interested and I'll follow back.

How is everyone doing?
What have you been up too?
Does anyone need anything?
How has this virus impacted your daily life?
flanker1017's Avatar
Happy 1st Anniversary Claire. One year on ECCIE today.
ClaireBarsett's Avatar
Aw, thank you Flanker, I had no idea!! :O
flanker1017's Avatar
Nice seeing your Gallery back up Claire.
ClaireBarsett's Avatar
Thank you, I wanted to do more but all these dang rules have me not wanting to post anything that could be considered "risky"