It has happened, but it's rare. The verified providers who worked with LE were caught up in things much more important to law enforcement than simple prostitution.
The truth of the matter is if you walk into a sting, you're going to get a ticket or arrested no matter how you handle money or what you say.
Originally Posted by CaptainKaos
I'd put an asterisks on this. Will they come to your house? No. How could they. And they almost always prefer a sting.
But, this happened to me VERY recently. We all know that JoCo is dangerous and Lenexa is off limits. But I wasn't seeing an escort. I was seeing my girlfriend. I got a room on Priceline that had internet access so I could also work in between rounds because if was an daytime playtime. We got to the room separately and were inside minding our own business for several hours. We left the hotel to go grab a quick bite and came back to the room. We were there for just an hour or so and got a knock on the door. 3 of Lenexa's finest. 2 Males and a Female cop. They said they were "looking for signs of prostitution" and we "drew their attention". I can only guess that when we came back in, even though we used a side door, a 47 yo man and a 25 yo woman set off the alarm with the girl behind the desk (who was different than the guy I checked in with) and they called.
By the time they were at the door they already had my license and had run my car plates as well and pretty much demanded to be let in. And, before all of you armchair lawyers tell me the BS about "just say no and close the door", I can assure you, it doesn't work like that. The hotel manager was there basically saying "cooperate or leave. we don't want any trouble". And the would have just waited around the corner and pulled us over. After all, they already knew my name!
Now, in this instance she is not, was not, has never been nor will ever BE an escort/hooker/prostitute. She's a college girl. There was no money exchanged. At all. But they searched every inch of the hotel, my bag, us, our vehicles, etc. They commented on the lack of a suitcase, etc. They (actually the female cop) pulled her aside and tried to get my GF to admit that she'd been paid or coerced to be there. They counted her money (she had like $20 on her). You actually should have seen the look on their face when they realized we'd been there for 9 hours and she only had $20 on her. The only thing funnier was when they searched my car and reached in my gym bag to pull out a 1 gallon zip lock back of a brick of a white, powdery substance......GYM CHALK!!! BUt that cop almost jizzed in his pants at first. I had a hard time not laughing outloud.
Anyway. It was a MAJOR inconvenience. It wasted a lot of our time and truly scared the shit out of my GF. Not a pleasant experience AT ALL. I knew not to see an escort there, but never in my wildest dreams did I think they'd knock on my door. Obviously I wasn't in "hobby mode". Just playtime mode. But that could have been a disaster for anyone that does have legal issues or possessed something other than gym chalk.