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ambersilk's Avatar
That you love them!! I'm in mourning.. My baby sister was murdered by some low life coward. I know justice will be served. Right now I asked everyone to please love and cherish your Loved ones!! Now I'm going to do my best to make sure my two nieces will be taken care of. I love you!! Guys and Dolls!! Rest in paradise Samantha!!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
That is truly shocking. Deepest condolences on your loss.


ambersilk's Avatar
Thank you Bluffcityguy
Abe Normal's Avatar
Amber, we love you and are all thinking of you during this time. Please find peace and take care of yourself.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Amber, try to remember your sister in the good times. It will help - that's helped me.

Oh wow! I'm so sorry to hear! Is this the same sister I met 16 years ago? Sorry for your loss..

take care of those babies..

Sonoman's Avatar
Prayers to you and your family. So sorry for your loss.
DallasRain's Avatar
so sorry for your loss....hugs!
Sorry for your loss. YES I'm also a big beliver in Karma and that low life person will get theres in the end.
My condolences Amber! I met you a few years ago at one of the meet and greets at 7 Mares. You are a classy lady! I'm so sorry to hear that your sister was murdered and hope that the person who killed her is quickly apprehended, convicted and put away for life.
ambersilk's Avatar
Thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts!! This really made me feel better today!!
Very sorry to hear of your loss, Amber. Sending a hug your way.
Contralto's Avatar
Ugh. There is just no accounting for evil in this world. Amber, we're all so very sorry. Your memory of her is already motivating you to encourage us all toward good works. This is how she'll live on--through you. Blessings!
cassie_love's Avatar
I can not imagine. Prayers for you and your family darlin!! I'm so sorry for your loss