M.I.T., the C.I.A., and the mind of God

Why have so many of the best physicists gone off the deep end and taken to linking hard physics with eastern mysticism, psychic phenomenon, spirituality and mind-bending drugs?

Why were physicists like John Wheeler and Richard Fineman at the forefront of all this "High Strangeness?"

Wheeler was at UT in the 80s, and now Hal Putoff is there and he's into the same weird stuff.

If all this is nonesense then why is it only the best scienticts from all the best places are into this?

The M.I.T. Club of Northern California will be hosting a conference tomorrow at the University Club in San Francisco to discuss M.I.T. physicist David Kaiser's new book, How Hippies Saved Physics.

Come see why the phenomena of "quantum entaglement" drove the C.I.A. and physicists at the nation's chief defense labs like Lincoln Labs, Lawrence-Livermore, S.R.I., etc. to embrace a universalist message.

No joke.
budman33's Avatar
Because That's the truth behind modern physics. Scientific truth and experimentation have found one hard limit they have to literally wrap their 'heads' around. That being our heads.

Newtonian Physics is one thing but at the quantum level reality is simply a probability that we can skew a little bit one way or another because we 'think' we can. For scientists its a difficult hurdle, as they are brought up thinking if you duplicate the same experiment 1000 times... the result must be the same or the hypothesis is flawed.

However now they know if one scientist thinks the experiment will fail.. and another thinks it will succeed. Same experiment done precisely the same way... different results.

Physics on the advanced side goes eerily into metaphysics. Its cool stuff.
Our civilization is on the cusp of understanding the simplist thing about the universe....it is not random.
budman33's Avatar
enlighten me then. The universe is all about probability and perception of the real. quote some physics books with whatever new your reading and I'll do the same.

We are always at the cusp of learning new things especially with the new collider coming online, but you'll have to share your sources before I will toss out some pretty well accepted theories about the probability ( randomness) all around us. or are you talking about "retrocausation"? we're not at the cusp of that imo
Probability is fine. However circumstances work against probability to bring about outcomes. Why are some outcomes determined and others are not? The story of humans on this planet is one of non-random events working against probability to create....something.
budman33's Avatar
You've gone beyond physics to something else. So I will decide to not understand what the heck your talking about because it aint physics. Newtonion Physics still rules the day for most day to day observable behaviors. The story of humans on this planet is history, anthropology, but not physics.

Not sure what your getting at and thats not what that book is really about.
Yes it goes beyond physics but is supported by it if you're in the quantum camp.

Newtonian physics is useful, but it doesn't explain much. It's a little light on theory.
budman33's Avatar
I'm sorry you keep dancing around something prophetic you think is happening. I'm done playing till you ... speak it.
A place to start would be Dr. Kaiser's book, How the Hippies Saved Physics.
budman33's Avatar
it's a good history book about physics in the 70's. Modern Physics is much more interesting, but I don't think they 'saved it'.