
willdooit's Avatar
I see the Providers that have verified under their clever-names, now what exactly does that mean and how is this verification being done and by who? Just thought I'd ask.
Ummmm you've been here since 2/25/2011 and written reviews . Hello ?
Seeking a little attention ?
willdooit's Avatar
No not seeking attentionAre you?. I just never really paid attention to the verified statement until recently when a provider with no reviews and just the verified statement.
kerwil62's Avatar
Some providers may have reviews written on other sites besides this one. They can submit those for verification as well.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
OR some well known credible hobby guy sent an email to the staff verifying the girl is real and he didn't write a review.

OR a mod/admin saw her and HE verified her as a provider.

Reviews are not ALWAYS required.
Wakeup's Avatar
It means they fucked a mod for free...
I see the Providers that have verified under their clever-names, now what exactly does that mean and how is this verification being done and by who? Just thought I'd ask. Originally Posted by willdooit
It takes two out of the three below to become verified, that's it. Any combination will suffice

1. Website address (website or advertising site)
2. Referral from another provider or hobbyist
3. Links to reviews from recognized members (any site)