ATTENTION: * Fake Provider References *

In the past few days I have received larger than usual "Reference Request" activity. I have received texts and calls from a lot of girls asking for references for guys and their phone numbers of people I have NEVER seen before. These gentlemen are telling each of these girls they have seen me before.

Please do NOT just take a potential client at his word when he uses a girl as a reference. You should ALWAYS contact that provider to verify that guy is telling the truth, no matter if you have to make that client wait to set up an appointment.

SAFETY First... Always!

I have had this happen to me a lot in the past when I used to rely heavily on provider references for my screening. The "shady" ones would continually give me the name of a very well known and reputable provider as their reference. I would contact her, and she would say she'd never seen them before.

She said the "shady" ones do this a lot in attempts to trick providers into just taking them at their word. "They" assume most of us will not directly contact that lady to verify that she has actually seen them before, especially if that provider is well known and respected.

I will reiterate this... Do NOT take potential clients at their word. ALWAYS contact me when/if someone uses me as a reference.
whity1369's Avatar
Great advice! It amazes me how lightly many girls screen. Quite a few are comfortable only asking "Are You LE?" Some don't even ask anything. I've not seen providers on the past because their lack of screening made me nervous.

Thanks for helping keep us all safe.
Thanks for posting! I've had the same things happen with newbies listing reputable providers as if I'm not going to do the research myself!
ElumEno's Avatar
If I am not going through P411 and a girl contacts you for information on me.


If I have not sent you a heads up telling you before hand that I am using you as a reference for lets say Jane Doe... then I am not seeing Jane Doe.
If I am not going through P411 and a girl contacts you for information on me.


If I have not sent you a heads up telling you before hand that I am using you as a reference for lets say Jane Doe... then I am not seeing Jane Doe. Originally Posted by ElumEno


If a girl asks me for a reference on a particular gentleman, then I always contact that man first to ask him if he is trying to see "so and so". If he says yes, then I go back to the girl and tell her...

"He was a nice and safe gentleman when I saw him. There is no guarantee that he is still safe, but I had zero issues with him when I saw him."

Providers: I will gladly provide reference checks for you. If you need that information ASAP, it is best for you to text or call me. Do not ask me specific questions about activities that may or may not have occurred during our time together. I will NEVER give out specific information about a visit. Also please be aware that I can only guarantee that he was safe when I saw him.

Hobbyists: If I have not seen you in the last 3-6 months (most preferable), or at the very maximum in the last 12 months (will most likely require re-screening), I will not put my ass on the line to give you a "good/safe/okay to see" reference. If you want a reference from me, I will be more than happy to supply that for you. The best way is for you to contact me to say "so and so is going to ask you for a reference on me". That way I have a heads up, and I already have your permission to release information.

All I can stress is...

Scree, Screen, Screen and then listen to your Gut Feeling. If your gut feeling still says "No" even though that potential client has passed ALL of your screening requirements then DO NOT go ahead with that appointment.

"Trusting Out Intuition Often Saves Us From Disaster." ~Anne Wilson Schaef~

"Listen To Your Intuition. It Will Tell You Everything You Need To Know."
~Anthony J. D'Angelo~

ElumEno's Avatar
I have said many times...
Better to follow your gut feeling and be wrong a thousand times the not follow it and be right just once.

BTW - That post was not meant to be a Touché thing... it was just a statement in general.
Dahlia, are you telling us that guys lie as much as girls do in this lifestyle? I'm shocked, shocked, I say! Please tell me this isn't true!

The next thing you are going to tell me is that guys have as many problems as girls with their cell phones! That would take me over the edge.

By the way, nice use of bold letters and colors! Blue and red are my favs!
Everyone lies. If someone says they never lie, they are either lying or a Buddhist Monk lol.

BTW I love the title of your reply. It made me giggle when I remembered that scene (Tranquilizer To The Jugular) from Old School where Will Ferrell is like "Wait... Wait..." after he shoots that animal tranquilizer into the side of his neck. (LOL hilarious)
I am here if you ladies or gents ever need a reference. Best way to reach me for a reference check or request is though eccie pm or through text message. Contact me anytime and I will respond in a timely manner.
Stiffy008's Avatar
I am here if you ladies or gents ever need a reference. Best way to reach me for a reference check or request is though eccie pm or through text message. Contact me anytime and I will respond in a timely manner. Originally Posted by DestinyInKC
Does the client have to see you first before you give a reference.
Does the client have to see you first before you give a reference. Originally Posted by Stiffy008
uhmmm.... DUH. Why would I put my reputation on the line for someone I have never met?
Does the client have to see you first before you give a reference. Originally Posted by Stiffy008
I'm so confused how one day you are giving us all advice on how shit should be done and the next day you act 'brand fuckin new'..... That makes me think that maybe you've been on here before, perhaps under a different name??...

uhmmm.... DUH. Why would I put my reputation on the line for someone I have never met? Originally Posted by DestinyInKC
stimulatethemind's Avatar
I'm so confused how one day you are giving us all advice on how shit should be done and the next day you act 'brand fuckin new'..... That makes me think that maybe you've been on here before, perhaps under a different name??...

LMFAO!! Originally Posted by Gemma34

Gemma, here's a hint.......he travels via "helicopter".
Gemma, here's a hint.......he travels via "helicopter". Originally Posted by stimulatethemind
WHAT???!!! No......