This is mainly for the Hobbiest as I know the ladies will migrate towards wherever the business is at on any given day.

Guys, right below the COED FORUM on the NETX Home Page is an ISO (In Search Of) Forum. It hasn't been used since April if my memory is correct.

No ... No one has appointed me as the Eccie Police and I am not a MOD. I am simply giving a suggestion that we use each forum as they are intended.

COED should be used for general conversation between hobbiest and providers.

ISO should be used when you are looking for some action as in ... Who is available today? Or WHO is in Texarkana or Beaumont or Tyler this afternoon?

Just a friendly observation!
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Probably because ISO just reappeared here and other cities this past week
Good point Majic! You might be right. I am not one to use ISO. So I really hadn't noticed it was missing. I just happened to notice it this morning and it occurred to me it wasn't being utilized. It just coming back would explain that!!
MajicPlayground's Avatar
It just came back in SBC forums as well....the bigger cities were brought back online first, which makes sense from a business standpoint. We folks out here in the lil bitty towns just have to be more patient I suppose
We begged for our ISO forum back here in Oklahoma, no luck on a short term availability. Having the forum makes things easier but it looks like this is a quieter group of play toys and boy toys