Rampant black crime being ignored/excused/praised

Rampant black crime is lowering the quality of life for every country in which there are black people. Anyone who isn't living a sheltered life knows this.
Rampant black crime is lowering the quality of life for every country in which there are black people. Anyone who isn't living a sheltered life knows this. Originally Posted by willytopnotch
What about rampant black crime in countries where there are no black people?

Gotyour6's Avatar
Ban black people
No more than seven black people per group.
If you have ten in a group then three must be taken away to form another group.
I truly believe it's genetic.....it's not just a cultural thing. Because all over the world, not just america, wherever there are blacks, there is astronomical crime and violence. Other races must take great measures to protect themselves.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
their isn't enough diversity in the criminal workforce
this is the primary reason the government keeps pacing more laws hoping to increase the diversity in the criminal element
This lack of criminal diversity is RACIST...

their isn't enough diversity in the criminal workforce
this is the primary reason the government keeps pacing more laws hoping to increase the diversity in the criminal element Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Couldn't they do some of that "diversity " and forced integration in the prison populations by having a black gang member housed with a Mexican and / or white gang member ? The dumbascraps are all about "diversity " and " equal opportunity " ! " Can't we all just get along...."
  • DSK
  • 10-20-2015, 02:02 PM
Couldn't they do some of that "diversity " and forced integration in the prison populations by having a black gang member housed with a Mexican and / or white gang member ? The dumbascraps are all about "diversity " and " equal opportunity " ! " Can't we all just get along...." Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I would settle for some affirmative action in the NBA....
I would settle for some affirmative action in the NBA.... Originally Posted by DSK
What, want more Jewish players?
It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood...

It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cylm7NIhrrs Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Same ole, same ole for the Dindu Nuffins !
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
it is the goal of the racist mulatto insurgent Muslim Obama that being born white will be a hate crime against blacks, thus resulting in the NBPP being stationed at every hospital in America to exterminate all children born white in order to ensure "racial diversity" in America.
  • DSK
  • 10-21-2015, 06:05 PM
it is the goal of the racist mulatto insurgent Muslim Obama that being born white will be a hate crime against blacks, thus resulting in the NBPP being stationed at every hospital in America to exterminate all children born white in order to ensure "racial diversity"in America.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I agree that is their dream scenario, and the fucking liberals are too dumb to see it. I'm actually ok with it as long as they kill the white liberal's babies first. When they get to the conservative's white babies, then we fight to the death.

We should encourage the Shiite versus Sunni Muslims who hate each other and kill over it.
I agree that is their dream scenario, and the fucking liberals are too dumb to see it. I'm actually ok with it as long as they kill the white liberal's babies first. When they get to the conservative's white babies, then we fight to the death.

We should encourage the Shiite versus Sunni Muslims who hate each other and kill over it. Originally Posted by DSK
Shall we start with Reagan and Cheney?