Provider Pictures

Ladies, for the love of God and all things decent and holy please stop putting those stupid fucking dog ears, noses, fake hair and so on that you get on Instagram and Facebook. They look fucking retarded and make you look the same.

That is all.
bambino's Avatar
^ agree
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
like it lol. reckon it's an age thing.
eyecu2's Avatar
I fucking HATE those stupid Instagram filters. And making your eyes huge or looking like any animal gets you treated like one. Plus like already said you look fucking stupid!
  • ron32
  • 08-21-2017, 05:58 AM
I agree. For one, when I see that on SA, I think the girl has the mentality of a 12 year old and if I do message them, that is usually the case more often than not. I figure a lot are doing that because they think its 'cute' and all that crap. Unless they are being advised on on some sugar forum to do it to 'hide' their pics from an image search. But a lot who do the dog ears thing also have pics up on their profiles without them. So, I don't think most are that smart to be doing it to hide. Besides if someone they knew stumbled on them on SA or BP, they are going to be able to tell who it is anyway.
Lighten up y'all. They're just Snapchat filters. Which anyone is free to like or dislike. But it's totally possible to see a woman whose image has a cute puppy ears and nose filter without thinking she wants to be treated like a dog.
DaBigJagov's Avatar
Likewise, keep your tongue in your mouth too. Photos with your tongue out are just as stupid looking as the animal photos.
eyecu2's Avatar
Lighten up y'all. They're just Snapchat filters. Which anyone is free to like or dislike. But it's totally possible to see a woman whose image has a cute puppy ears and nose filter without thinking she wants to be treated like a dog. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
Fuck you! We ARE telling you that it looks fucking STUPID. Not CUTE to us.
Here's a good example of these fucking hogs:

The only thing that looks at all inviting to me is that she has a nice round tongue to shove my cock into her throat on. And she looks like she has a good mouth shape for that type of thing. However she looks equally about ready to squeal like Ned Beatty. Ughh...
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Once in a while doesn't seem so bad. I don't think it's terrible to display a moment of silliness since you displaying that you have a sense of humor actually looks HUMAN. But I can get the frustration if it's like every other picture then meh.
I will say though if the majority of their current paying clients aren't complaining about them using it too much then those ladies who use those filters probably see it as "well if it ain't broke don't fix it".
How about when the Ho's ask for a pic of us, we add donkey dicks and hockey masks to our photos. Think they would be cool with that?
I don't mind if they use them, but when its ALL their pics? Too much!!!

Its bad enough seeing idiots on Facebook posting pics with every... frickin...Snapchat Filter on 90% of their photos.
Whoa, Nelly! Sorry that Snapchat filters are that deep to you. I'm fully aware that some people like them and some people don't.

Fuck you! We ARE telling you that it looks fucking STUPID. Not CUTE to us.


Once in a while doesn't seem so bad. I don't think it's terrible to display a moment of silliness since you displaying that you have a sense of humor actually looks HUMAN... Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA

I'm in the rare contingent of millennials that has actually never used Snapchat. One of these days I plan to make an account. I have thought it could be too distracting to overuse their filters in website/ showcase photos.

I don't mind if they use them, but when its ALL their pics? Too much!!! Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Lena you're not alone this millennial is pretty much the same boat lol. I don't have a civvie IG or civvie Snapchat or a civvie Periscope lol. I barely use my civvie Twitter or FB. I check my civvie FB every 2-3 months just to see who has a new kid or has gotten married lol.

@t_titanic1912 you get ladies asking you for pics?
I could not agree with you more.... so fucking stupid looking and a turn off too.....
I understand people don't like it. When I was growing up it was long hair and jeans that older people hated. We looked like girls or homeless bums. Then track suits. Every generation does things older people don't like and they will not care what is said. You want it to stop, hit them where it hurts, the pockets.