To me it is a matter of professionalism. Some are; some aren’t. It is that simple. Hookers or not, a decent person doesn’t jerk you around.
Originally Posted by MindTheGap69
^^^^ This!!
Is exactly wtf we've been dealing with the last few weeks/months. Since this whole lock down has started. And really even shortly before going back to around the holidays. PM's aren't responded to, sometimes never even opened. Or pretended not to be opened so they don't have to admit to it. And when they are opened, they fucking sit not responded to. Then bitch about not getting any fucking attention when in town?!? And believe me, I'm not the only one that is having this exact problem. I've been in contact with other mongers who are saying the same thing. So, it's not just me. And to be completely honest, it's the same damn providers we've been discussing that are the doing exactly this.
The lack of professionalism on here and the lockdown has many mongers reverting to STG (or where the fuck ever) and dealing with their BS. I dunno what came first, the chicken or the egg, but either way, there's a serious lack of professionalism that has either bleed into this arena, or vice versa.
Before I got back to West TX, when I was out here before, it wasn't anywhere near anything like this.
Wtf happened? GPS? Just don't give a fuck?