When "No" is a No Go!

When you read a provider's reviews and there's nothing but "yes" it's a glowing endorsement for that Provider. However, sometimes there's a glaring "No" in the list that just stands out like a wart on the tip of one's nose. Will a "No" mean a no go for most Hobbyists or does it take a string of them to turn your $$'s elsewhere?
You cannot be all things to all people, and that goes for this hobby world we associate ourselves with as well. Depending on how many "yes" recommendation reviews a provicer has, and by different hobbyists, not 12 reviews by 3 dudes, then you will see a consistency of good service by that provider. However, if she has 100 "yes" recommendation reviews and not even one "No" review, it does not mean you are guaranteed to have a great time with her. If you really want to do some research, PM the guy, look at HIS history, who did the "NO" review and see what the story is, it can't hurt! but just remember, it is HIS opinion, and you weigh that against others and make an informed decision.

I would not be concerned about one "No", but many "No" reviews mixed in with "Yes" reviews show signs of a YMMV girl and those types are not who you want to associate with.
Bonferroni's Avatar
One 'No' is not a show stopper. I read the review and see what was the reviewer's rationale. Then I read the 'Yes' reviews to get the rest of the story. I also like to look at some of the reviewers past reviews. He could be a real butt munch.

More than one 'No' is a bit of a concern though.
I agree with the above posts. I do however, give more weight to a reviewer I have found seems to enjoy the same types of women I do.
LazurusLong's Avatar
There are several handles on this board who if they give a YES on a provider's reviews to me it is automatic NO and I won't bother to ever see that provider because it means she can't screen for shit.
If a provider doesn't meet 90 to 100% of my probably way too freekin' high expectations I'm not giving her a "no", but my review's ROS tells it like it is (was). A less than stellar experience with a provider doesn't mean that she's not a nice gal and a candidate for a good time with someone else with different taste, it simply means she didn't work out so well for me. There are reasons to give a flat out "no" recommendation. Fortunately, I haven't encountered a lot of those thus far, but I have encountered providers that I will not see a second time that I did not give a "no" recommendation to.

To me a no is a very strong red flag, maybe even a deal killer, unless it appears to me the poster was exceptionally turdish or had some kind of ax to grind.