Sugar Baby Allowance


What is the typical allowance/PPM you are giving sugar babies? I just got back on that scene and some of these asking prices are ridiculously high compared to last year. Not sure if someone is actually paying these prices or if the girls are just trying to get a sucker.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I found a unicorn (actually, she found me) and got exceedingly lucky in more ways than one. She had a job and was going to school and just wanted to be able to break even and have a little spending money. I paid her half of the rent on a rent house and gave her a credit card which I can't say she ever abused -- tuition, groceries, gas dining out with friends. I met a few other wants or needs, too: a rifle for her birthday, a drone for her post-graduation business endeavors and putting my name on the lease and the car note so she could get those. (I know; but sometimes you meet an extraordinary individual who justifies breaking the rules.) Total outlays over four years probably averaged around 1,500-1,700 per month. A unicorn.
I found a unicorn (actually, she found me) and got exceedingly lucky in more ways than one. She had a job and was going to school and just wanted to be able to break even and have a little spending money. I paid her half of the rent on a rent house and gave her a credit card which I can't say she ever abused -- tuition, groceries, gas dining out with friends. I met a few other wants or needs, too: a rifle for her birthday, a drone for her post-graduation business endeavors and putting my name on the lease and the car note so she could get those. (I know; but sometimes you meet an extraordinary individual who justifies breaking the rules.) Total outlays over four years probably averaged around 1,500-1,700 per month. A unicorn. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
You do not have to post publicly, but I’m just wondering what does that range get you? One I am in contact with wants 3-4-500 a week but that would include multiple meet ups a week and she drops what is going on and comes to me within 30 minutes, within reason.
mtabsw's Avatar
Sir Lancehernot - you didn't just have a Unicorn - you won the hobby lotto.

If someone came on here asking about a deal like that, there'd be me and another long list of OGs screaming about all the red flags and all the things that could go wrong.

You did very well my friend - payback for the sad demise of your awesome FW Private Forum. Count your blessings, and buy a few lottery tickets. You're on a roll.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
You do not have to post publicly, but I’m just wondering what does that range get you? One I am in contact with wants 3-4-500 a week but that would include multiple meet ups a week and she drops what is going on and comes to me within 30 minutes, within reason. Originally Posted by TopSprinGester100

The best way to put it is, a relationship that developed into something beyond its original transactional nature, one unlike any other I've ever had, one that ended physically 10 months ago but has survived her departure from the area, and one that made me realize how ultimately unfulfilling my hour-long relationships had been. We probably spent 20 times as much non-BCD time together as we did BCD. And I wish the ratio were higher.

My experience was, if not unique, certainly very rare in the sugar bowl. Nonetheless, I'll opine on it. In my extremely limited experience in the bowl, that sounds like a pretty good deal if both of you are satisfied with it and the accompanying terms: PPM or allowance? Will she have other "sponsors"? Is it strictly BCD?

Now, if I might ask: Did you meet her online, or "in the wild?" I have a Seeking profile, but so far I am thoroughly unimpressed by what I see and those who are favoriting and messaging me. I'm not really actively seeking a replacement for someone who's irreplaceable, but, on the other hand, if one of the girls that serves me coffee in the morning or one of the tellers at the bank I go to several times a week were to display any interest, I'd be a fool not to check it out.

One more thought: You might get some more and better feedback at Reddit: r/sugarlifestyleforum. Good luck.
It just seems like the ranges are all over the place. Sometimes I can get a 9/10 23 year old for $400 and sometimes one I'm on the fence with wants $1000+ per meet. I'm just wondering if anyone is actually paying those prices or if they are just trying to get a sucker. I can't imagine why anyone would pay that much when others in the same range off half.
Ralph Fults's Avatar
It just seems like the ranges are all over the place. Sometimes I can get a 9/10 23 year old for $400 and sometimes one I'm on the fence with wants $1000+ per meet. I'm just wondering if anyone is actually paying those prices or if they are just trying to get a sucker. I can't imagine why anyone would pay that much when others in the same range off half. Originally Posted by Ruth484
No one pays that much more than once.