What words do you use in the heat of the moment?

Okay this topic has got me to thinking. I was in and appointment the other day and started saying some things actually yelling them when I was in the heat of the moment. Words like oh my gosh and right there. So what words or phrases do sometimes you say are they just get shouted out during sex?
Sometimes gags are involved, which mysteriously makes every word sound like 'mmpphh!'. But when you ask if you should stop, no seems to come through quite clear.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Hmmm. "Omigosh" and "right there?" Surely that's the Boy Scout version, right? Ha, just messing with you. I've always thought of myself as saying something really porn-ish at the moment of truth, such as "Fuck me you horny bitch!" But I somehow get tongue-tied or the words just get caught in my throat. Of course, my partner is supposed to say something like, "God, Gonzo, fuck me harder." Unfortunately, that never happens either. Still, I enjoy the hobby.
MacMike's Avatar
I'm not sure about the heat of the moment, as that is the part I remember mostly the feeling of what is going on, at that moment and sound usually gets droned out.

But on insertion if its nice and moist, and tight, I'm usually quoted as saying "ooooohhhh mmmmman that feels good"

Just something about that first moment that I remember most.
MacMike's Avatar
I do somewhat recall saying

OHHH fuck! im cumming!
OHhh man here it comes!
cookie man's Avatar
There seems to be a lot of "F bombs" and "shit" in the heat of the moment. I prefer "oh Gods, yes, right there, harder, don't stop, did you leave the donation in a plain envelope on the counter?"
My "heat of the moment" saying for the most part is, "OH FUCK, BABY, I'M CUMMING!!"
Woman, I have no idea what I say, but the guy understands it, sometimes they laugh at me.........but at least they know they did a job done right. (Giggling).
Kelly TNT's Avatar
"I'M your sister....I'M your sister"

Oh, I'm kidding. It's a line from a movie.
(Joe Dirt)

I'm afraid...I'm not that creative in the moment. I'm lucky if an actual word can be formed at all really.

It's usually just a lot of things all at once. So, it kind of confuses you.

Ha.....cause, you're like.."Oh, yes I know..you feel..Wait.

What? Oh forget it...don't stop!

~Kelly TNT
I become the queen of the F bomb.

Oh Shit and YES!!

What is it about the big "O" that makes us cuss like sailors?
daty/o's Avatar
If I am supposed to speak, then I must be doing it wrong. I'm lucky if I remember to breathe.
I said the "I love you" during lovemaking tonight.

Of course, the standard disclaimer always applies:
I am not responsible for anything I say 2 hours prior to or one hour post ejaculation.
SlowHand49's Avatar
Oh fuckkkk yessss . . .
mtabsw's Avatar
What is it about the big "O" that makes us cuss like sailors? Originally Posted by reese foster
It's an appreciation of this sailor's devotion to daty...

For me it's mostly "why can't my hand have a tongue like Reese's?"
Seems like alot of ladies seem to have religious experiences, there's alot of "Oh God Yes Yes"