Eccie being such a wealth of political subjects and discussions, I'm surprised I haven't seen anything about this here.

Actual bill:

I've been reading about this for a while now and wanted to know if you many, many adventurous, adult entertainment seekers realize that content like this very site will be affected. (Along with all the free porn)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm opposed to SOPA
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wikipedia is blacking out on Wednesday to show its opposition to SOPA
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Birds of a feather. Google was for SOPA until they were against it. I guess I am hopeful that the administration will make some certain move usurping free speech and finally wake up the country to what they attempting to do. I guess I am hopeful that the country will wake up and be angry.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I am opposed to SOPA. Obama finds himself between a rock and a hard place. He's going to piss off 2 big industries that have been strong supporters of Obama. On one hand, you have the Hollywood entertainment crowd (always a bastion of liberalism) wanting to put an end to online piracy. On the other hand you have the creative forces of the computing software industry opposed to SOPA because it inhibits collaborative effort in developing new technology. This industry is also deeply supportive of Obama. Personally, I think SOPA is the effort of a tired old industry like Hollywood trying to stave of death by using "good ol'e boy" politics to put their rivals out of business. It is nothing more than stifling free speech-- and this is coming from a staunch pro-business conservative. There's just something about the first amendment that needs to be protected. Besides, piracy is not that big of a deal, and I'm sick of hearing the "sob" stories we have to sit through during previews for a movie. Piracy just takes the old axiom of "if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying" to a different level.
Im very glad to see that there is such a dislike for this bill. It's fa beyond Wiki, there is a HUGE list of websites that are taking a stand!! Facebook is a buzz as well, it just drives me nuts that people will change their profile pics to cartoon characters, talk about bras and such but NO ONE seems to be concerned with this.

I can't imagine living in a country where we are censored to this degree. I mean yes, media is all monitored but I can go online and look up news from around the world. I can watch videos on youtube, get walkthroughs for games, and MOST importantly, I can attain the materials I need for homeschooling my son (worksheets and such all come from p2p sharing).

With this bill, they are putting the parameters in place so they can attack anyone who rises against them. We are US born and have the right to challenge our government, to speak up against them. With this law in place, they have the foundation to control the population without issue. I'm so ashamed this is even being considered.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have not changed my avatar to a cartoon character, that is a recent picture of me.

This is just another step to total media control by the state. It needs to be stopped here, and now.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
SOPA and PIPA remain alive. Hello police state.

Im against SOPA as well, I posted a thread here about it a few months ago and encouraged everyone to sign the petition to end SOPA here
and this is the petition
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Former (Thank God!) Senator Chris Dodd, supreme ultra-lefty and corrupt Democrat from Connecticut, now head of the MPAA, says that blackout protests on the internet are an abuse of power.

Are you kidding me? The abuse of power is in SOPA and PIPA! He still doesn't get it. Problem is, he does get it, and doesn't care. He just wants to line his own pockets at the expense of freedom for the rest of us.
This is ridiculous!! An abuse of power? They are trying to put laws in place in order to strike fear into the US people at the thought of saying something cross against the government. You want to talk about an abuse of power? So, you're telling me that NDAA is already passed, so the government can now detain any citizen without trial..Great. Now SOPA and the Enemy Expatriation act.. Sopa is capable of monitoring, cencoring, and resticting ALL informatin they deem unfit for us to view. The Enemy act allows them to REVOKE YOUR U.S CITIZENSHIP without a conviction.

So in a nutshell, they want total control over the free exchange of information over the internet, the ability to arrest and detain any US born citizen indefinitely without a trial AND the ability to revoke that persons citizenship so they no longer even have to be given the very basic rights the constitution guarantees.. They can black bag and vanish anyone for saying anything negative; protesting in any way can now lead to you being charged with treason and never heard from again. I understand what these bills are intended to combat and fight but we the people CAN NOT, even for a second allow anyone to threaten our freedom of speech or the protection given by our country when the statement INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY came into existence.

I changed my FB pic, went through each of my friends pages and posted to their walls, have not accessed FB, twitter, or youtube, and will not. I couldn't figure out how to shut down my website without permanently hurting it so my front page expresses my concern, have contacted my state (MS) senator: Roger Wicker Class I (202) 224-6253 and Thad Cochran Class II (202) 224-5054 and it's not over.

Former (Thank God!) Senator Chris Dodd, supreme ultra-lefty and corrupt Democrat from Connecticut, now head of the MPAA, says that blackout protests on the internet are an abuse of power.

Are you kidding me? The abuse of power is in SOPA and PIPA! He still doesn't get it. Problem is, he does get it, and doesn't care. He just wants to line his own pockets at the expense of freedom for the rest of us. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh, COG, you're just saying that because you haven't paid your royalties to Foghorn Leghorn.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So you support SOPA, Stevie?
Sa_artman's Avatar
You idiot. It was a conservative that drafted the bill to began with. Foghorn's quote suits you..." "That dawg is strictly G.I. -- Gibbering Idiot!"

Former (Thank God!) Senator Chris Dodd, supreme ultra-lefty and corrupt Democrat from Connecticut, now head of the MPAA, says that blackout protests on the internet are an abuse of power.

Are you kidding me? The abuse of power is in SOPA and PIPA! He still doesn't get it. Problem is, he does get it, and doesn't care. He just wants to line his own pockets at the expense of freedom for the rest of us. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am not a conservative, and even if I were, I would oppose this bill. I don't care if Jesus wrote it, it is un-American.