Black and Biracial girls

Which ones are the best?

CatMan4u's Avatar
The first provider i saw was black and i really enjoyed her i ended up seeing her 10 to 15 times she only charged me the mitel bill been several years since i saw one
I don't know anything about a biracial provider
Thanks for replying.
CatMan4u's Avatar
Short of KC and StLouis i don't see many adds for them
I don't know about Little Rock or Memphis
asstounding's Avatar always has some, they have 3 right now. you get standard service.
OP, that is a weird question. It is sort of like asking who is better, blondes, brunettes, red heads, or jet black hair? It is a matter of taste and I have seen very wonderful ladies with all sorts of hair colors. I have also seen black and biracial ladies. It comes down to the individuals. I don't think you can generalize any of this.
WOTGIR, speaks and we all listen. Hope your doing well my friend.
I like women of all colors.