Happy Fatherless Day

LexusLover's Avatar
For those in here who don't know your fathers, and we know who they are, then spend a little time musing about what it would have been like to have one ....

..... or just make up one like you've been doing!

matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 06-21-2020, 01:42 PM
Father's Day - and MSN.com celebrates Anderson Cooper as "father".

Robert Young, Fred MacMurray, and Straight white Males need not apply or be celebrated.
Thank u - PC Culture enforcers everywhere.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
For those in here who don't know your fathers, and we know who they are, then spend a little time musing about what it would have been like to have one ....

..... or just make up one like you've been doing!

Originally Posted by LexusLover

How did you know I had no father as I matured?

Psychoanalytic Concepts of Fatherhood:
Patriarchal Paradoxes and the Presence of an Absent Authority
Tabitha Freeman, Ph.D.


By allowing for the positive presence of the 'real father' – and increasingly, of a plurality of 'real fathers' – within child development, contemporary psychoanalytic discussions of involved fatherhood present a significant challenge to Freudian notions of the father as an absent authority. However, despite being backed by a wealth of political, cultural and theoretical challenges to patriarchy, the empirical argument for reformulating male parental involvement has done little to displace the abstract father of psychoanalytic thought. This confrontation with the potency of the symbolic father both demonstrates the resilience of this ideological system and represents the conceptual limits of notions of paternal authority that are ultimately defined through absence.

Gay men and their fathers, right?

YOU know what I mean.
LexusLover's Avatar
How did you know I had no father as I matured? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
The FACT that you haven't yet matured. Rather elementary.

But don't feel badly, MM is far behind you in that process.

matchingmole's Avatar
The FACT that you haven't yet matured. Rather elementary.

But don't feel badly, MM is far behind you in that process.

Originally Posted by LexusLover

Maybe when you mature your mom can lend you the money to go see a provider on here...and then you could write a review
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Maybe when you mature your mom can lend you the money to go see a provider on here...and then you could write a review Originally Posted by matchingmole
Says I haven't matured. With no reviews.

  • oeb11
  • 06-21-2020, 03:26 PM
If a young man was not already screwed up emotionally - A dose of Freeman's PC gender babble would certainly numb and distort the brains of any impressionable young man.

Then again - she writes because she likely had no father figure in her life at all.

An what would motivate 9500 to present this mind numbing twaddle???
Perhaps - for Once - 9500 might try speaking for "him"self - rather than through the memes of irrelevant long dead Men.
matchingmole's Avatar

Trump and his dad....
eccieuser9500's Avatar
. . .

LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe when you mature your mom can lend you the money to go see a provider on here...and then you could write a review Originally Posted by matchingmole
Maybe after you growup ....

.... you'll quit making up shit about females you claim to meet.

Most females prefer their personal life let out of the blogs.

But after you grow up perhaps you'll learn that is more respectful.
LexusLover's Avatar
An what would motivate 9500 to present this mind numbing twaddle???
Perhaps - for Once - 9500 might try speaking for "him"self - rather than through the memes of irrelevant long dead Men. Originally Posted by oeb11
Naaaahhhh .... filling air with noise .... it's settling to him.

When dupes have nothing more to say they whine about my lack of reviews ... as though that had some significance.

MM hasn't gotten any pussy in over five (5) years .... and he wants to whine about no reviews.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Naaaahhhh .... filling air with noise .... it's settling to him.

When dupes have nothing more to say they whine about my lack of reviews ... as though that had some significance.

MM hasn't gotten any pussy in over five (5) years .... and he wants to whine about no reviews. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Do you know how pussy even feels?

When a dumbass who has nothing better to say than to question another anonymous poster's verifiable reviews maturity, they must realy think it has some significance. Or else maturity would not have been important to this thread.

LexusLover's Avatar
Do you know how pussy even feels? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Since I'm not one .... why don't you explain it to me?

Wait ... are you the limp who hasn't had any dick in over 5 years? Oh, wait, that is your partner MM You two and LapDog need to get a room.

Get back on topic ... and quit mouthing off about others nonreviews!

Since your fatherless, I figure you could contribute something worthwhile for a change.
matchingmole's Avatar